James Dudley https://www.dudley.codes Outdoors Aficionado • Admin of @LacledesLAN • Opinions and endorsements are my own 33 3 41 53 15 No Language DockerExhibits 2 2 Exhibits for demonstrating Docker to newcomers K8-Probe 0 1 Docker Image for Troubleshooting Kubernetes ClustersASP ClassicASP-MSSQLSanitizer 9 3 Functions to sanitize and validate data before insertion into a MSSQL database. VBScript-UrlParser 1 1 Classic ASP / VBScript class to parse a URL into its components. ClassicASP-DumpPostData 0 2 Classic ASP function that dumps POSTed data to the html stream ClassicASP-PageFabricator 0 1 DEPRECIATED. For modernizing Classic ASP sites while side-building a 'Strangler Application'C# CSharp-Base64Url-Encode 0 1 Obfuscates values for use in a URL query or fragment.Go golang-microservice-structure 24 1 Example project structure go web servers written in Go UnitTestExhibits 16 1 Demos of unit testing principles and patterns in Go.PowerShell Windows10-Tweaks 0 1 Script of my preferred Windows 10 TweaksTypeScript GenerateReadableOTP 1 1 Generate human-readable passwords for one-time use (Typescript/NPM)