Dustin Specker https://dustinspecker.com/ dustinspecker@dustinspecker.com 164 2 185 5,153 379 No Language awesome-eslint 4,485 232 A list of awesome ESLint plugins, configs, etc. awesome-flow 124 15 A list of awesome Flow integrations, tools, tutorials, etc. kpt-demo 2 1 to go along with: https://dustinspecker.com/posts/introduction-to-kpt/ vim-snippets-dustinspecker 1 0 Dustin Specker's snippets we-pair 0 26 A list of companies that pair program, for job seekersAssembly os 1 0 Elixir conjunction 3 0 Combine a list of strings with a conjunctionElm is-fibonacci-number 3 0 dict-key-values 2 0 Swap the key value pairs of a Dict list-join-conjunction 2 0 Join a List with a conjunction capitalize-word 1 0 last 1 1 us-states 1 0 Go go-singly-linked-list 6 3 A Singly Linked List in Go kpt-remove-resource 5 0 a kpt function for removing a Kubernetes resource go-combined-unit-integration-coverage-demo 3 0 lockal 3 0 a user/project local executable dependency manager pulumi-libvirt-ubuntu-example 3 0 pulumi-libvirt-ubuntu-component-resources-example 2 1 discord-notify-ip-change 1 0 dustinspecker.com 1 4 go-by-example 1 1 Go By Example tutorial go-lint-rule-demo 1 0 gomega-lint 1 0 JavaScript generator-ng-poly 237 50 Yeoman generator for modular AngularJS apps with Gulp and optional Polymer support eslint-plugin-no-use-extend-native 56 4 ESLint plugin to prevent use of extended native objects dscript 35 2 Framework agnostic hyperscript eslint-config-angular 24 5 ESLint shareable config for Angular plugin gulp-modify-css-urls 19 3 Gulp plugin for modifying CSS URLs pushit 17 1 Guarantee Git pushes real good with Salt-N-Pepa gulp-alex 7 2 Gulp plugin for Alex redux-immutable-combine-reducers 7 2 A Redux combineReducers that returns an Immutable Map convert-vinyl-to-vfile 6 2 Convert a Vinyl file to a VFile deku-redux-connect 6 0 Like react-redux's connect, but for Deku 2.0.0 convert-css-color-name-to-hex 4 1 Convert CSS color names to hex eslint-config-dustinspecker 4 1 ESLint shareable config of Dustin Specker's preferences dscript-react 3 0 dscript with React setup done for you eslint-generate-config-from-sample 3 0 Create an ESLint config for existing code random-wiki 3 1 Get a random topic from Wikipedia.org shorten-css-hex 3 0 Shorten CSS hex codes string-replace-with-object 3 0 array-join-conjunction 2 0 Join an array with a conjunction austin 2 0 Add the *Powers* of spying to JavaScript tests deku-prop-types 2 0 Prop type validation for Deku components deku-prop-types-immutable 2 0 Immutable prop type validation for Deku components dscript-deku 2 0 dscript with Deku setup done for you is-css-color-name 2 1 Determine if a name is a valid CSS color name newline-regex 2 0 Regex for newline characters paperback 2 0 Easily generate files from templates parse-css-class-id-selector 2 1 Retreive class names and id from a CSS selector advent-of-code-2017 1 0 append-if 1 0 Append a string, conditionally checker-factory 1 0 const-func 1 0 Create a function always returning a constant count-spaces 1 0 Count number of spaces doc-jsx 1 0 A JSX pragma for document dscript-doc 1 0 dscript with doc-jsx setup done for you dscript-mapper 1 0 Map models between stateless function components from different frameworks fizzbuzz-example 1 0 Trying out Sinon's spying on console.log. func-has-param 1 0 Check if function in file has parameter generator-ds-mod 1 0 Yeoman Generator for creating Node modules get-lodash-template-vars 1 3 Retrieve list of vars in a lodash template get-set-props 1 1 List of getter/setter properties for JavaScript types get-yo-rc-path 1 0 Get the path of the nearest .yo-rc.json file gite 1 0 An Electron app alternative to gitk gulp-ng-new-router-templates 1 1 Gulp plugin for injecting template paths into $componentLoaderProvider happy-news 1 0 Create happier comments on Hacker News https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/happy-news/ndldkhjhhnkgnnbbgdmpoaopnikopbjj is-css-color-hex 1 0 Determine if a string is a valid CSS color hex is-get-set-prop 1 1 Does a JS type have a getter/setter property is-obj-prop 1 1 Does a JS type have a property is-proto-prop 1 1 Does a JS type's prototype have a property obj-props 1 2 List of properties for JavaScript objects paperback-example 1 0 An example of how to use paperback prepend-if 1 0 Prepend a string, conditionally string-contains-string 1 0 Check if one of two strings contains the other string-surround 1 0 Surround a string with another string voting-server 1 0 Learning React, Redux, and Immutable http://teropa.info/blog/2015/09/10/full-stack-redux-tutorial.html is-js-type 0 1 Is string a JS Type learning-docker 0 1 Jinja ansible-dotfiles 5 2 I DevOps'd my dotfilesPython learn-python-the-hard-way 1 0 Exercises from Learn Python the Hard WayScala seven-languages-in-seven-weeks 0 1 Shell argo-prometheus-example 3 0 cks-vagrant 3 0 Vagrantfile to create cluster for use with Kubernetes CKS 2020 Complete Course + Simulator carvel-suite-example 2 2 git-gerrit 1 0 Git commands Dustin uses with Gerrit network-namespaces-example 1 2 A script to automate what https://dustinspecker.com/posts/how-do-kubernetes-and-docker-create-ip-addresses/ creates.TypeScript hapi-ts-experiment 1 0 Experimenting using TypeScript with HapiVim script dotfiles 1 0