Charles Du 46 0 31 86 45 No Language Locally-Injective-Mappings-Benchmark 1 1 A benchmark dataset for locally injective mappings (SIGGRAPH 2020)C++ lifting_simplices_to_find_injectivity 18 8 injective mapping via TLC (total lifted content) energy minimization (SIGGRAPH 2020) Boundary_Sampled_Halfspaces 16 6 the code of paper "Boundary-Sampled Halfspaces: A New Representation for Constructive Solid Modeling" (SIGGRAPH 2021) Robust-Implicit-Surface-Networks 14 7 The code of paper "Robust Computation of Implicit Surface Networks for Piecewise Linear Functions" (SIGGRAPH 2022) Smooth-Excess-Area 8 4 the code of paper "Optimizing Global Injectivity for Constrained Parameterization" (SIGGRAPH Asia 2021) CVTRemesh 7 6 surface remeshing with field-aligned CVT (code of Eurographics 2018 paper "Field-Aligned Isotropic Surface Remeshing") pattern-viewer 5 0 a GUI viewer for topology patterns in the database offered by sketch-retopo of ETH Total-Lifted-Content-PN 3 1 injective mapping via TLC (total lifted content) energy minimization (projected Newton method) (SIGGRAPH 2020) implicit_functions 2 7 C++ implementation of commonly used implicit functions Isometric_Injective_Energies 2 2 The code of paper "Isometric Energies for Recovering Injectivity in Constrained Mapping" (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022) PCVT2D 1 2 periodic field-aligned CVT2DMathematica MMA-Mesh-Packages 4 1 Mathematica mesh related packagesPython smart_scripts 3 0 useful python scripts utilizing LLM for tedious tasksTeX academic-kickstart 2 0