Eldon Ahrold 45 21 91 135 38 No Language Chainables 1 0 A collection of Swift protocols/extensions that add chain-able closures The-Missing-Radius 1 0 GUI For radiusconfig in Mountian Lion Groovy gorm-broken-tenancy 0 1 Sample Project Demonstrating broken `first()` entity method in gorm multi-tenant Objective-C AHLaunchCtl 45 10 LaunchD Framework for Cocoa Apps MunkiMenu 16 1 Status Bar Item for Munki's Managed Software Update Objective-CUPS 7 4 objective-c framework for Common Unix Printing System AHKeychain 5 1 Objective-C wrapper for OSX Keychains autopkgrunner 5 1 Simple Scheduler for AutoPKG Printer-Installer 4 1 Help users add and remove managed printers AHHelpPopover 2 0 Show help, the easy way. AHProxySettings 2 0 Easy access to system proxy settings. BSDProcessInfo 2 0 Objective-c wrapper for accessing BSD process information filevaultsetup 2 0 Small utility to assist users in setting up FileVault at login time NBICreator 2 0 OS X Application to create NetInstall images. ODManager 2 2 Easy to use Framework for working with OpenDirectory users and groups OSX-Server-Backup 2 1 a CLI tool with GUI interface for backing up OS X Server AHCodesignVerifier 1 0 Simple class to check the code sign of an app bundle or executable. AHServers 1 0 test network framework autopkgr 1 0 AutoPkgr - devel version for feature experiments CDEvents 1 0 An Objective-C wrapper for Mac OS X’s FSEvents C API. DoorBell 1 0 Port Knocker for Ice-Floor Printer-Portal 1 0 Easily add and remove printers. DHlibxls 0 1 fork of DHlibxls Python Crypt 2 9 An app for allowing users to enable FileVault 2 and safely escrow the Recovery Key with an instance of Crypt-Server. autopkg 1 0 Automating packaging and software distribution on OS X. Printer-Portal-Server 1 0 Django web app for the Printer Portal app SysOps 1 0 My little elves printerinstaller-server 0 1 Server Component for Printer-Installer Ruby AHCodesignValidator 2 0 Renamed (see https://github.com/eahrold/AHCodesignVerifier) munkiserver 0 1 A server component to munki Shell OSX_Server_Notes 20 4 cupswatcher 1 0 Keep your CUPS Printers Running ios-icon-generator 1 0 This script is use to generator ios app icons more easier. scraps 1 0 Swift Board-Foot 1 0 An iOS Board Foot calculator (written in swift)