Gavin Rehkemper Software Engineer 338 45 166 1,071 284 No Language usa-mcdonalds-locations 12 15 USA McDonalds Locations stl-lambert-airport-data 4 0 Passenger data for St. Louis Lambert Airport cistercian-numerals 1 0 A collection of web components to display cistercian numerals gavinr 1 1 st-louis-mo-county-parks 0 2 Geojson polygons for parks in St. Louis (MO) CountyCSS web-appbuilder-tools-techniques-dev-summit-2019 4 0 Talk resources for Esri Dev Summit 2019 web-appbuilder-tools-techniques-dev-summit-2018 3 0 HTML city-flags-map 4 4 Map of city flags. lazy-load-arcgis-js-api-experiments 2 0 Experiments in lazy loading the ArcGIS API for JavaScript arcgis-js-api-widget-template 1 2 Want do develop your own widget for the ArcGIS JavaScript API 4.x? Avoid creating all the boilerplate by starting with this set of files.JavaScript github-csv-tools 686 121 Import and export GitHub issues via CSV csv-to-geojson 58 30 Convert a CSV to GeoJSON world-countries-centroids 36 15 Center points of world countries - CSV and GeoJSON wab-widget-search 17 5 A simple page to filter and find Esri Web AppBuilder widgets. usa-soccer 16 12 USA soccer teams - location and metadata web-appbuilder-typescript-examples 15 4 Featuring examples of using TypeScript with Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS split-polygon-demo 13 3 Split a polygon into N similarly sized polygons geojson-viewer 10 4 View GeoJSON from a URL (with permalinks) sapper 9 0 GitHub Action publishing Sapper to GitHub Pages: web-appbuilder-tools-techniques-dev-summit-2016 8 2 Dev Summit 2016 Presentation "Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS: Development tools and Techniques" presentations 7 2 irl presentations atlasboard-weather 6 3 Weather widget for atlasboard grunt-ags-admin 6 2 Grunt task to control ArcGIS Server (via AGS Admin REST) wab-wikipedia-search 6 2 A demo widget that shows basic Wikipedia search / location display. query-all-features 5 2 Query all features of an ArcGIS Feature Service web-appbuilder-find-restaurants 5 3 Widget to allow user to find restaurants using the Yelp API. geojson-csv-join 4 1 A script to take a GeoJSON file, and JOIN data onto that file from a CSV file. gtfs-realtime-pbf-js-module 4 1 GTFS proto schema to JS Module using the PBF package koop-provider-nba 4 0 NBA API -> Feature Service Node-Imgur-Proxy 4 2 A simple node.js application to proxy Imgur images. web-appbuilder-customizing-and-extending-dev-summit-2020 4 5 Code and materials for "Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS: Customizing and Extending" talk at Dev Summit 2020. web-appbuilder-tools-techniques-dev-summit-2017 4 3 simple-geocoder 3 1 A simple geocoder for node. wab-es6-example-widget 3 3 Example WAB widget in ES6 web-appbuilder-customizing-and-extending-uc-2019 3 0 Code and materials for "Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS: Customizing and Extending" talk at User Conference 2019 web-appbuilder-extend-widget-example 3 0 Example of creating a new widget, extending from an existing ArcGIS Web AppBuilder widget in the process to reduce code duplication. jsapi-resources 2 0 A collection of useful resources for developers using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. minor-league-baseball 2 1 Data set of minor league baseball teams CookieTracker 1 0 A NodeJS API and Web Framework for creating killer apps emoji-map-layer 1 0 Show emoji on your ArcGIS map. generator-esri-appbuilder-js-1 1 0 Yeoman generator to help customize Esri's WebAppBuilder generator-esri-widget 1 0 Yeoman generator to create custom Dojo widgets for Esri web applications koop-provider-gbfs-bikeshare 1 0 A provider for koop to show bikeshare locations web-appbuilder-bikeshare 1 0 Custom Web Appbuilder widget that allows display of GBFS bikeshare locations. web-appbuilder-dev-example 1 0 Example of npm scripts needed to automatically copy your files from your repo out to your WAB install. web-appbuilder-open-location-code 1 0 View Open Location Codes (aka 'plus codes') in Web AppBuilder calcite-components-svelte-form-submit-issue 0 1 Jupyter Notebook Advanced_Python_for_GIS_and_RS 1 1 Ideas for a more advanced Python class for GIS and Remote Sensing, embed-webmap 2 1 Embed a public webmap from ArcGIS Online into WordPress with a shortcode.Python internet-connectivity-logger 1 0 Continuously ping a web address at a specified interval and log the results to a CSV file. scrapy-demo-download-wikipedia-images 1 0 A demo for how to download the main images from a list of wikipedia pages using Scrapy ( stl-process-vacant-parcels 1 2 This script is used to merge the CSV of Vacant Parcels generated from the STL Vacancy Project and the official City of St. Louis Parcels Shapefile to enable mapping and visualization of the data. university-city-mo-crime 1 0 Crime info from University City, MOSvelte interesting-earth 8 1 Check out the Earth's most interesting locations. stl-live-crime 5 2 A live map of crime in the city of St. Louis, MO arcgis-basemaps-language-explorer 2 1 View the different ArcGIS basemap languages sveltekit-vite-imagetools 2 1 Investigate using vite-imagetools with sveltekit map-stream 0 1 The most recently updated maps in ArcGIS Online vector-tile-filter 0 1 TypeScript the-one-widget 12 3 Write a widget once and use it either in a custom app or Experience Builder js-api-widget-wrapper-experience-builder 6 0 Example of an Experience Builder widget that can wrap any ArcGIS API for JavaScript widget experience-builder-customizing-and-extending-dev-summit-2021 4 2 add-layers-auto-map-experience-builder 1 2 Experience Builder widget sample showing how to get a reference to a map widget without using Settings. get-map-coordinates-experience-builder 1 0 Example Experience Builder widget showing how to display the latitude and longitude, scale, and zoom level of the map. the-one-widget-experience-builder 1 1 Experience Builder wrapper around The One Widget component the-one-widget-simple 1 1 web-map-swap-experience-builder 1 1 Sample widget experimenting how to swap the webmap dynamically in a single Experience Builder map widgetVue arcgis-json-to-geojson 37 11 ArcGIS JSON to GeoJSON