G Roques https://groques.com 28 20 152 221 69 No Language awesome-greek 19 0 A curated repository of resources for learning Greek. awesome-linguistics 4 0 A curated repository of resources for Linguistics, the scientific study of language awesome-simulation 4 0 Awesome list of resources for simulation. :dark_sunglasses: freecad-rotations 4 0 A guide on understanding how rotations work in FreeCAD. awesome-french 1 0 A curated repository of resources for learning French. 🇫🇷 ecovillage-resource-management-spec 1 0 Specification of a program to manage the resources of a ecovillage in a cyclical closed-loop system. awesome-category-theory 0 1 Curation of resources for category theory. freecad-dynamic-linked-object 0 1 Example of using a dynamic linked object in an assembly. freecad.workbench_starterkit 0 1 template for a FreeCAD workbench / moduleC++ compiler 48 12 A simple compiler written from scratch in C++ for an undergraduate course in program translation.HTML interlinearizer 1 0 Generates an interlinear text — a text with translation between lines — given translation pairs of semantic units (the shortest possible part of a phrase which makes sense when translated). receipt-itemizer 1 0 Extract, track, and categorize individual line items on paper receipts.JavaScript greek-texts 5 0 Collection of texts from Tράπεζα κειμένων with synced audio for learning Modern Greek. openafpm-cad-visualization 5 0 freecad-web-visualization 3 0 Demonstrates one workflow for visualizing 3D models created in FreeCAD via a web browser. democratizing-small-wind-through-open-source-computer-aided-design 1 1 Presentation for the 2024 Wind Empowerment conference in Greece. openafpm-cad-desktop-app 1 1 Jupyter Notebook dbscan 10 1 DBSCAN density-based clustering algorithm in Python. k-means 2 1 K-Means and Bisecting K-Means clustering algorithms implemented in Python 3. rain-water-harvesting-simulation 2 0 association-analysis 1 1 Association analysis in Python.Lua neovim-configuration 2 0 Personal Neovim configuration.Python naive-bayes 36 27 A Python implementation of Naive Bayes from scratch. ose-3d-printer-workbench 18 5 A FreeCAD workbench for designing 3D printers by Open Source Ecology (OSE). missionaries-and-cannibals 14 12 Python program that solves the Missionaries and Cannibals problem, a toy problem in AI, with iterative deepening search. fcxref 8 0 Manages FreeCAD external references. openafpm-cad-core 8 1 Repository containing OpenAFPM wind turbine CAD model. ccxmeshreader 6 0 Reads a mesh from CalcluliX input (.inp) files. ose-workbench-platform 6 2 Common platform for developing Open Source Ecology (OSE) workbenches. cozmo-song-match 5 1 A game where you match the notes of a song by tapping blocks with Cozmo. ccxinpparser 1 0 Parses CalcluliX input (.inp) files into an abstract syntax tree. fc-scripts 1 0 Assortment of FreeCAD utility scripts. freecad-part-attachment-python-example 1 0 The purpose of this repository is to show a minimal example of FreeCAD's Part Attachment feature in Python using scripted object in Python. freecad-to-obj 1 0 Python package to export FreeCAD objects to the Wavefront (.obj) file format. numerical-tic-tac-toe 1 0 A numerical tic-tac-toe player written in Python 3 with a 4 x 4 board. fc-gimbal 0 1 Gimbal for visualizing Euler (or Tait-Bryan) angles in FreeCAD.