Jeff Geerling Father, author, developer, maker. Sometimes called "an inflammatory enigma". #stl #drupal #ansible #k8s #raspberrypi #crohns 23,090 54 294 64,615 23,293 No Language ansible-vagrant-examples 2,104 705 Ansible examples using Vagrant to deploy to local VMs. ansible-role-docker 1,951 873 Ansible Role - Docker mini-rack 1,614 31 Miniature rack builds, for portable or compact Homelabs. pi-webcam 1,421 99 Automation to configure a Raspberry Pi as a USB OTG webcam internet-monitoring 1,282 140 Monitor your network and internet speed with Docker & Prometheus awx-container 291 83 Ansible Container project that manages the lifecycle of AWX on Docker. ansible-role-dotfiles 244 109 Ansible Role - Easy and flexible dotfile installation. ansible-role-awx 230 96 DEPRECATED Ansible Role - AWX packer-centos-7 221 118 This build has been moved - see ansible-role-pip 214 144 Ansible Role - Pip (for Python) ansible-role-git 207 144 Ansible Role - Git ansible-role-repo-epel 188 149 Ansible Role - EPEL Repository for RHEL/CentOS ansible-role-ansible 164 90 Ansible Role - Ansible ansible-role-swap 162 70 Ansible Role - Swap ansible-role-raspberry-pi 114 21 Configures a Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian). ansible-role-glusterfs 105 61 Ansible Role - GlusterFS ansible-requirements-updater 102 12 Update your requirements.yml with this grisly Ansible playbook. packer-ubuntu-1804 101 50 This build has been moved - see ansible-role-docker_arm 99 28 Ansible Role - Docker for ARM and Pi ansible-role-php-versions 98 76 Ansible Role - PHP Versions ansible-role-postfix 95 65 Ansible Role - Postfix deskpi-super6c-cluster 94 15 DEPRECATED - DeskPi Super6c 6-node Raspberry Pi CM4 Cluster ansible-role-drupal 93 51 Ansible Role - Drupal youtube 92 8 YouTube channel repo. Stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere. ansible-role-mas 85 42 Ansible Role - Mac App Store CLI (MOVED to geerlingguy.mac collection) packer-centos-6 79 41 This build has been moved - see youtube-10k-pods 79 25 10,000 Kubernetes Pods for 10,000 Subscribers ansible-role-containerd 77 33 Ansible Role - molecule-playbook-testing 75 39 This is an example from the Ansible 101 livestream ansible-role-rabbitmq 69 58 Ansible Role - RabbitMQ ansible-role-github-users 64 19 Ansible Role - GitHub Users 3d-printing 63 4 Documentation and tools for my 3D Printer setup. ansible-role-samba 63 33 Ansible Role - Samba pi-dev-playbook 63 11 Raspberry Pi setup and configuration via Ansible. ansible-role-helm 50 19 Ansible role - Helm ansible-role-k8s_manifests 48 20 Ansible Role - K8s Manifests ansible-role-packer 48 33 Ansible Role - Packer ansible-role-apache-php-fpm 42 31 Apache FastCGI support for PHP-FPM ansible-role-phpmyadmin 42 40 DEPRECATED Ansible Role - phpMyAdmin ansible-role-go 41 10 Ansible role - Go ansible-role-php-mysql 41 34 Ansible Role - PHP MySQL support drupalci-sonar-jenkins 41 16 DEPRECATED - Drupal CI environment with SonarQube and Jenkins for Drupal Core code analysis. ansible-role-test-vms 40 12 DEPRECATED - A Vagrant configuration to test Ansible roles against a variety of Linux distributions. ansible-role-packer-debian 39 40 Ansible Role - Packer Debian/Ubuntu Configuration for Vagrant VirtualBox ansible-role-repo-remi 37 52 Ansible Role - Remi RPM Repository for RHEL/CentOS ansible-role-elasticsearch-curator 36 28 Ansible Role - Elasticsearch Curator php-apache-container 36 11 PHP + Apache container for running PHP web apps with Docker, built with Ansible. pi-nut 36 3 Raspberry Pi NUT configuration for UPS monitoring and safe server shutdowns ansible-role-sonar 35 91 DEPRECATED Ansible Role - SonarQube apple-pi 35 0 Apple Pi - a NAS setup for my old Apple Computers ansible-role-drush 33 54 Ansible Role - Drush for Drupal backup-pi 33 3 Use a Raspberry Pi for backups. diet-raspbian 33 6 DEPRECATED - Trim the fat from the default Raspbian image. ansible-role-htpasswd 32 16 Ansible Role - htpasswd geerlingguy 30 1 My GitHub username repository. ansible-collection-php_roles 29 14 Collection of PHP roles for Ansible ansible-role-puppet 27 23 Ansible Role - Puppet packer-debian-9 25 15 This build has been moved - see ansible-role-sanoid 23 3 Ansible Role - Sanoid acquia-cloud-vm 21 6 VirtualBox/Vagrant-based VM to closely match Acquia Cloud environment. ansible-role-daemonize 21 10 Ansible Role - Daemonize. PHP-Drupal-CI 20 4 Please visit my newer Drupal CI project, drupalci-sonar-jenkins solr-container 19 8 Ansible Container project that manages the lifecycle of Apache Solr on Docker. jetporch-examples 18 1 JetPorch automation examples and test content YT-Spammer-Purge 18 3 Allows you easily scan for and delete scam comments using several methods. ansible-role-exim 17 20 Ansible Role - Exim ansible-role-nut_client 16 0 Ansible Role - NUT Client configuration ansible-role-tomcat6 16 21 Ansible Role - Tomcat 6 (DEPRECATED) ansible-role-pimpmylog 15 7 DEPRECATED Ansible Role - Pimp my Log ansible-role-php-pear 14 9 Ansible Role - PHP PEAR library installation k3s-ansible 13 5 ansible-role-bad_judgement 12 4 Ansible Role - Bad Judgement ansible-role-blackfire 12 5 Ansible Role - Blackfire PHP Profiler ansible-role-drupal-console 12 14 DEPRECATED Ansible Role - Drupal Console packer-centos-8 12 9 This build has been moved - see packer-debian-8 12 6 This build has been moved - see ansible-role-php-pgsql 11 8 Ansible Role - PHP support for PostgreSQL. packer-debian-10 11 5 This build has been moved - see Android-Map-Marker-Drawables 9 1 A standard set of map marker drawables/icons for Android apps. ansible-role-repo-dotdeb 8 4 Ansible Role - DotDeb repo for Debian Steam-on-Ampere 8 0 aarch64-laptops-build 7 0 Build an Linux OS based image meshtastic 7 0 Meshtastic project website and documentation ansible-role-collectd-signalfx 6 3 Ansible Role - Collectd (for SignalFx) ansible-role-svn2git 6 5 Ansible Role - Svn2Git (from KDE) fathom-container 6 1 Fathom container for website analytics, built with Ansible. awx-operator 5 0 docker-image-solr 5 2 DEPRECATED - Apache Solr Docker image build using Ansible. drupal-travis-ci 5 2 A demonstration of Drupal integration with Travis CI. set-status 5 1 Small apps to help me quickly set chat/IM statuses. manifesto 4 0 The OpenTF Manifesto expresses concern over HashiCorp's switch of the Terraform license from open-source to the Business Source License (BSL) and calls for the tool's return to a truly open-source license. ansible-role-repo-puias 3 3 DEPRECATED Ansible Role - PUIAS Computational Repository for RHEL/CentOS CellTrust-PHP 3 0 CellTrust PHP documentation 3 0 The official documentation for Raspberry Pi computers and microcontrollers HPL-on-Ampere-Altra 3 0 SKU_RM0004 3 0 UCTRONICS Pi Rack Pro kubernetes.core 2 1 magic-wormhole-transit-relay 2 0 Transit Relay server for Magic-Wormhole travis-playground 2 0 An area to play with some Travis concepts and debug issues with Travis CI. open-gpu-kernel-modules 1 0 NVIDIA Linux open GPU kernel module source rvm1-ansible 1 1 The official ansible rvm role to install and manage your ruby versions. sine-wave-generator 0 1 Fork of sebastienrousseau's excellent sine-wave-generator.js libraryArduino blinky 5 1 Arduino Uno LED testing.C pi-overvolt 38 2 Pi Overvolt firmware hack - WARNING: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! linux 19 1 Kernel source tree for Raspberry Pi Foundation-provided kernel builds. Issues unrelated to the linux kernel should be posted on the community forum at uvc-gadget 16 12 uvc-gadget fork to make the Pi work as a webcamC++ airgradient-prometheus 183 60 AirGradient Prometheus exporter.CSS ansible-awx-varnish-php-app 9 9 Varnish load balancer with two Apache/PHP backends for an AWX demo.Dockerfile pi-nvr 271 28 Raspberry Pi NVR for home CCTV recording. pi-router 111 10 Raspberry Pi-based OpenWRT router config for 4G/5G Waveshare Dual Ethernet board. docker-centos7-ansible 103 85 CentOS 7 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-ubuntu2004-ansible 85 48 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. tower-operator 82 34 DEPRECATED: This project was moved and renamed to: docker-ubuntu1804-ansible 78 48 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-ubuntu2204-ansible 71 16 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-centos8-ansible 61 38 CentOS 8 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-rockylinux8-ansible 49 18 Rocky Linux 8 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-opensuseleap15-ansible 43 5 OpenSUSE Leap 15 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-ubuntu2404-ansible 43 2 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-debian12-ansible 41 7 Debian 12 (Bookworm) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-debian11-ansible 40 20 Debian 11 (Bullseye) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-rockylinux9-ansible 40 7 Rocky Linux 9 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-debian10-ansible 37 34 Debian 10 (Buster) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. drupal-operator 33 6 Drupal Operator for Kubernetes, built with Ansible and the Operator SDK. docker-ubi8-ansible 30 14 UBI 8 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-debian9-ansible 29 29 Debian 9 (Stretch) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. reversi 26 2 Reverse home Internet monitoring app. docker-fedora34-ansible 24 3 Fedora 34 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-amazonlinux2-ansible 23 11 Amazon Linux 2 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora38-ansible 19 4 Fedora 38 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-ubuntu1604-ansible 19 48 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-amazonlinux2023-ansible 18 7 Amazon Linux 2023 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora37-ansible 15 2 Fedora 37 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. ansible-role-ecr_container_build 14 12 Ansible Role - ECR Container Build docker-fedora40-ansible 14 3 Fedora 40 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora36-ansible 13 2 Fedora 36 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-debian8-ansible 11 21 Debian 8 (Jessie) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora35-ansible 11 3 Fedora 35 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora33-ansible 10 2 Fedora 33 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora39-ansible 10 3 Fedora 39 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-centos6-ansible 8 16 CentOS 6.x Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora27-ansible 8 3 Fedora 27 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora41-ansible 8 1 Fedora 41 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora30-ansible 7 3 Fedora 30 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-ubuntu1404-ansible 6 18 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora24-ansible 5 9 DEPRECATED - Fedora 24 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora32-ansible 4 2 Fedora 32 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora29-ansible 3 5 Fedora 29 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-fedora31-ansible 2 2 Fedora 31 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing. docker-ubuntu1204-ansible 2 9 DEPRECATED - Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing.Groovy ansible-role-jenkins 842 753 Ansible Role - Jenkins CIHTML raspberry-pi-pcie-devices 1,702 149 Raspberry Pi PCI Express device compatibility database kubernetes-101 573 167 Kubernetes 101 - by Jeff Geerling ansible-collection-k8s 57 18 Collection of Kubernetes automation tools for Ansible 50k-k8s-jobs 45 5 50,000 Kubernetes Jobs for 50,000 Subscribers 45 5 Jeff Geerling's Ansible content site theresanissueforthat 6 0 Fabulous codebase behind drupalstl 4 1 Drupal St. Louis Users Group WebsiteJava Catholic-Diocese-App-Android 19 11 Catholic Diocese App for AndroidJavaScript temperature-monitor 282 55 Raspberry Pi-based home temperature monitoring network. obs-task-list-overlay 129 19 An HTML and Node.js-based task list overlay for OBS. final-cut-it-out 45 0 Automatic silence remover for Final Cut Pro X nodejs-dev-vm 28 10 DEPRECATED Simple Node.js Development VM using Vagrant + VirtualBox + Ansible JJG-Node-Ping 10 5 A simple ping wrapper for Node.js which returns the latency and result of a ping to a given address. 6 1 DEPRECATED - Drupal VM static site demo-nodejs-api 3 7 Demonstration Node.js API application for Ansible for DevOpsJinja internet-pi 4,460 470 Raspberry Pi config for all things Internet. drupal-vm 1,375 643 A VM for Drupal development ansible-role-mysql 1,078 874 Ansible Role - MySQL ansible-role-nginx 852 501 Ansible Role - Nginx ansible-role-security 840 213 Ansible Role - Security ansible-role-gitlab 684 470 Ansible Role - GitLab ansible-role-postgresql 594 394 Ansible Role - PostgreSQL ansible-role-kubernetes 579 276 Ansible Role - Kubernetes ansible-role-php 502 446 Ansible Role - PHP ansible-role-apache 420 500 Ansible Role - Apache 2.x. ansible-role-nodejs 414 253 Ansible Role - Node.js turing-pi-cluster 356 47 DEPRECATED - Turing Pi cluster configuration for Raspberry Pi Compute Modules ansible-role-ntp 329 244 Ansible Role - NTP ansible-role-java 314 462 Ansible Role - Java ansible-role-redis 262 199 Ansible Role - Redis ansible-role-nfs 252 146 Ansible Role - NFS top500-benchmark 236 21 Automated Top500 benchmark for clusters or single nodes. ansible-role-haproxy 219 201 Ansible Role - HAProxy ansible-role-elasticsearch 187 209 Ansible Role - Elasticsearch ansible-role-composer 182 104 Ansible Role - Composer PHP Dependency Manager turing-pi-2-cluster 182 23 DEPRECATED - Turing Pi 2 Cluster ansible-role-logstash 180 217 Ansible Role - Logstash ansible-role-filebeat 151 170 Ansible Role - Filebeat for ELK stack ansible-role-kibana 123 197 Ansible Role - Kibana ansible-role-node_exporter 117 71 Ansible role - Node exporter drupal-pi 111 24 Drupal on Docker on a Raspberry Pi. Pi Dramble's little brother. ansible-mastodon 96 4 Mastodon installation on a single server using Ansible. ansible-role-varnish 82 89 Ansible Role - Varnish HTTP accelerator ansible-role-memcached 74 71 Ansible Role - Memcached ansible-role-clamav 64 51 Ansible Role - ClamAV. ansible-role-packer_rhel 53 48 Ansible Role - Packer RHEL/CentOS Configuration for Vagrant VirtualBox ansible-role-php-xdebug 43 50 Ansible Role - PHP Xdebug ansible-role-munin 40 32 Ansible Role - Munin ansible-role-aws-inspector 38 40 Ansible Role - AWS Inspector ansible-role-munin-node 36 25 Ansible Role - Munin node ansible-role-fluentd 34 28 Ansible role - Fluentd (td-agent) ansible-role-passenger 33 32 Ansible Role - Passenger with Nginx mariadb-operator 32 7 MariaDB operator for Kubernetes built with Ansible and the Operator SDK. time-pi 31 1 Raspberry Pi stratum 1 PTP and NTP timeserver configuration. ansible-role-gogs 27 19 DEPRECATED Ansible Role - Gogs: Go Git Service ansible-role-hdparm 17 6 Ansible Role - hdparm. ansible-role-adminer 15 13 Ansible Role - Adminer ansible-role-fathom 15 5 Ansible Role - FathomJsonnet cluster-monitoring 6 2 Cluster monitoring stack for clusters based on Prometheus OperatorObjective-C JJGWebView 35 5 UIWebView class and example implementation for iOS Applications Catholic-Diocese-App-iOS 16 9 Catholic Diocese App for iOS Visibility 9 1 Making things visible. A file visibility toggle app for the Mac.OpenSCAD pi4gpu 88 7 Raspberry Pi GPU Carrier Board pi-bell-slapper 81 3 The King of Ding. Internet-connected Raspberry Pi-based notification bell.PHP Ping 470 154 A PHP class to ping hosts. drupal-for-kubernetes 166 53 Drupal Example Site for Kubernetes shelly-plug-prometheus 68 12 Shelly Plug Prometheus exporter. Request 60 27 A simple PHP HTTP request class. Imap 59 34 Simple wrapper class for PHP's IMAP-related email functions. jeffgeerling-com 55 4 Drupal Codebase for k8s-pod-rbac-breakout 37 5 Kubernetes Pod RBAC Breakout ansible-role-php-pecl 32 37 Ansible Role - PHP PECL extension drupal-photo-gallery 32 6 An intelligent photo gallery built with Drupal 8. drupal-8-example-pix_migrate 24 1 Drupal 6 to Drupal 8 media gallery example migration. ansible-role-php-redis 21 15 Ansible Role - PhpRedis drupal-vm-docker 20 4 Drupal VM Docker Composer Plugin ansible-role-php-memcached 18 17 Ansible Role - PHP Memcached drupalvm-live 17 6 Site for Drupal VM Prod Deployment Demonstrations. ansible-role-php-xhprof 14 17 Ansible Role - PHP XHProf drupal-honeypot 9 3 Official GitHub mirror of the Honeypot module for Drupal. acquia-cloud-api-scripts 8 0 Acquia Cloud API scripts for CI/CD ansible-role-php-tideways 7 5 Ansible Role - Tideways PHP Extension drupal-rekognition_api 3 0 Official GitHub mirror of the Rekognition API module for Drupal. purge_acquia_cloud 2 0 Demo module to set a special 'Acquia Cloud' cache tag header using Purge module. test_slow_block 2 0 A test slow block for BigPipe testing in Drupal 8.Perl munin-php-apc 4 1 Munin plugin for monitoring PHP APC (Alternative PHP Cache). Forked from Google Code.Python ansible-for-devops 8,736 3,535 Ansible for DevOps examples. sbc-reviews 721 18 Jeff Geerling's SBC review data - Raspberry Pi, Radxa, Orange Pi, etc. pi-timelapse 305 58 Time-lapse app for Raspberry Pi computers. pico-w-garage-door-sensor 214 22 Wireless garage door sensor for Home Assistant powered by Raspberry Pi Pico W pi-camera 117 10 A Raspberry Pi Camera docker-examples 81 38 There are many like it, but this one is mine. baby-safe-temp 76 10 Safe temperature monitor for baby's room. Made for Raspberry Pi Pico. facial_recognition 60 8 Live facial recognition example for Raspberry Pi 4 based on OpenCV beast-challenge 26 1 A control system for MrBeast's 1-100 challenge ltx2023 24 2 LTX 2023 - Time Card mini github-repo-manager 23 4 Manage GitHub Actions secrets in your repositories. youtube_chat_crawler 23 7 crawls live chat messages from finished live stream. usbboot 15 4 Raspberry Pi USB booting code, moved from tools repository ansible-content-testing 8 1 Testing repository for various bits of Ansible content in 2.10 transition. molecule 4 3 Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles ansible-role-phergie 3 2 DEPRECATED - Ansible Role - Phergie PHP bot community.digitalocean 3 1 DigitalOcean Ansible Collection community.general 3 1 community.okd 1 0 OpenShift-related modules and pluginsRuby demo-rails-app 3 10 Demonstration Ruby on Rails app for Ansible for DevOpsShell mac-dev-playbook 6,226 1,810 Mac setup and configuration via Ansible. macos-virtualbox-vm 2,555 312 Instructions and script to help you create a VirtualBox VM running macOS. raspberry-pi-dramble 1,672 260 DEPRECATED - Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster that runs HA/HP Drupal 8 my-backup-plan 881 52 How I back up all my data. ansible-role-certbot 816 356 Ansible Role - Certbot (for Let's Encrypt) ansible-for-kubernetes 700 316 Ansible and Kubernetes examples from Ansible for Kubernetes Book packer-boxes 659 303 Jeff Geerling's Packer build configurations for Vagrant boxes. dotfiles 637 355 My configuration. Minimalist, but helps save a few thousand keystrokes a day. ansible-role-firewall 547 226 Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration. pi-cluster 543 58 Raspberry Pi Cluster automation ansible-for-devops-manuscript 398 49 Ansible for DevOps Manuscript rpi-clone 395 25 A shell script to clone a booted disk on a Raspberry Pi. ansible-collection-mac 324 114 Collection of macOS automation tools for Ansible. pi-kiosk 319 14 A simple Raspberry Pi Kiosk app ansible-role-homebrew 237 139 Ansible Role - Homebrew (MOVED to geerlingguy.mac collection) arm-nas 165 10 Arm NAS configuration with ZFS. ansible-role-backup 160 53 Ansible Role - Backup for simple servers ansible-role-solr 103 123 Ansible Role - Apache Solr ansible-role-supervisor 99 81 Ansible Role - Supervisor ollama-benchmark 95 9 Simple ollama benchmarking tool. ansible-role-ruby 91 88 Ansible Role - Ruby JJG-Ansible-Windows 86 26 [DEPRECATED] Windows shell provisioning script to bootstrap Ansible from within a Vagrant VM. packer-ubuntu-1404 83 42 DEPRECATED - Packer Example - Ubuntu 14.04 Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner ansible-role-ssh-chroot-jail 76 33 Ansible Role - SSH chroot jail config ansible-role-mailhog 66 40 Ansible Role - MailHog for catching and viewing emails macbook-pro-battery-test 60 4 Test script to emulate a relatively heavy workload for battery life testing. drupal-container 46 26 Drupal container for running Drupal sites with Docker, built with Ansible. drupal-jenkins-multisite 27 5 Jenkins server example to manage a Drupal multisite installation. ansible-role-logstash-forwarder 22 29 DEPRECATED Ansible Role - Logstash Forwarder mcrouter-operator 19 5 Mcrouter operator for Kubernetes built with Ansible and the Operator SDK. ansible-role-svn 17 16 Ansible Role - SVN ansible-role-sonar-runner 11 12 DEPRECATED Ansible Role - SonarQube Runner drupal-the-fastest 11 1 Benchmarking onboarding experience with a variety of local Drupal development environments. ansible-role-selenium 9 12 Ansible Role - Selenium packer-drupal-vm 8 6 DEPRECATED - Drupal VM Packer base box builder. NVIDIA-GPU-Accelerated-Linux-Desktop-on-Ampere 7 1 This repo contains scripts and documents to enable Nvidia GPU accelerated desktop on Ampere CPU based workstation. It also demonstrated on installing desktop applications like open source DOOM3. packer-ubuntu-1204 5 4 DEPRECATED - Packer Example - Ubuntu 12.04 Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner