Kevin McKee Co-Founder of @Padmission. Laravel, Livewire, and Filament enthusiast. 179 1 40 91 96 No Language filament 1 0 Admin panel, form builder and table builder for Laravel. Built with the TALL stack. Designed for humans. filament-google-maps 1 0 Google Maps package for Filament PHP HTML laravelstl 3 1 Laravel STL Meetup Site JavaScript livewire-sortablejs 1 0 A Laravel Livewire plugin that makes it easy to use Sortable.js PHP teamsy 62 68 A sample multi-tenant application for Laravel using a single database. Watch the Laracasts series to see how this was built. headless-livewire 7 1 Basic Laravel 7 app used to demonstrate Headless Livewire from the Laracasts lesson. laraconf 7 22 fire 3 0 Demo app for Laravel Worldwide Meetup in January 2021 make-route-for-laravel 2 2 Adds a php artisan make:route command for Laravel apps. This scaffolds the route in web.php, controller, and even generates a unit test many-to-many 2 1 Easily generate a migration for a many to many relationship filament3 1 1 filament-excel 1 0 Excel Export for Filament Admin Resources