Michael Spencer sonrisesoftware@gmail.comStaff software engineer at Lelander. 316 9 56 194 30 C++ bible-app 16 1 :rocket: Cross-platform Bible app using Material Design, SWORD, and QMLCSS mspencer.io 3 0 :globe_with_meridians: Personal blog and website workflowy-stylesheet 2 0 :art: Custom stylesheet for Workflowy ibelieve.github.io 1 0 :globe_with_meridians: My personal websiteEmacs Lisp dotemacs 2 0 :wrench: Personal emacs configurationHTML gracecolumbia.com 2 0 :globe_with_meridians: Website for Grace Lutheran Church presentations 2 0 :globe_with_meridians: Personal presentations ibelieve.github.io-OLD 1 1 :globe_with_meridians: My personal websiteJavaScript box 2 0 :wrench: Build, test, and run Linux projects in isolated containers marks 2 0 :rocket: Markdown notes app for developers slip 2 0 Simple static site generator in Common Lisp gh-pins 1 0 :globe_with_meridians: Simple API for fetching pinned GitHub repos knight 1 0 Knight - Lisp programming language svelte-tailwind-template 1 0 Svelte/Tailwind app templateKotlin krunch 6 0 Kotlin parser/combinator framework kotlin-native-gtk 1 1 :book: Kotlin/Native Gtk+ bindings project-euler 1 0 :pencil2: My solutions to Project Euler problemsPython this 12 2 :rocket: This - standardized project tool for running common tasks foobar 7 1 :pencil2: My solutions for Google's foo.bar challenges arch-ostree 6 2 :wrench: OSTree tools for Arch Linux adventofcode 4 0 Advent of Code puzzle solutions qclassgen 3 1 :wrench: Automatically generate parts of Qt classes. assembla-cli 2 1 :wrench: A small command-line tool for working with Assembla spaces gnome-clips 2 0 :rocket: Simple clipboard manager for GNOME anki-bible-stats 1 0 Bible stats plugin for Anki devutils 1 1 :wrench: Various programming utilities nexmark 1 0 E-reader/productivity software for Linux tabletsQML quickpaper 21 4 :book: Material Design extras for QtQuick.Controls 2 taskly 14 1 :rocket: A simple tasks app for Material Design blueprint-qml 4 3 :rocket: A powerful cross platform software development dashboard designed using Material Design quickslides 2 2 :wrench: Presentation framework using QML stratego-game 1 0 :video_game: A clone of the Stratego board came in QMLRust oxide 16 1 :computer: A toy operating system built with Rust aeropi-rs 8 3 :helicopter: DIY RaspberryPi quadcopter flight controller in Rust oxygen 7 1 Oxygen F7 flight controller rasp 4 0 :rocket: Rasp - Toy Lisp language in Rust gnome-inbox 3 0 :rocket: GNOME app for using Inbox by Google orgmode-rs 3 1 :book: Org mode for Rust - Your Life in Plain TextScilab ubuntu-ui-extras 15 3 :book: A collection of QML widgets not available in the default Ubuntu UI ToolkitSvelte gty-daily-audio-bible 3 0 Daily Audio Bible using the GTY Daily Bible Devotional and the ESV audio bibleTypeScript qmltype 5 0 :skull: ABANDONED - See Quickly church-sign-maker 2 0 Simple React app for updating church signsVim script dotfiles 1 0 My dotfiles configuration