Jake Coffman https://jakecoffman.com jake@jakecoffman.combaking hot fresh artisanal code 🥨 237 20 207 1,083 276 No Language jake-theme 16 5 pitch black intellij theme test 1 0 Arduino arduino-security-system 1 1 Arduino security system (migrated from google code)C# tanks-unity 1 1 multiplayer Wii Play Tanks clone with Monaco style line-of-sightC++ camcontrol 4 2 view and control multiple Amcrest cameras at once in one app pemf 0 1 Pulsed Electromagnetic Field deviceDart alert-me 1 0 Mobile app to quickly send messagesGo cp 324 22 A pure Go physics library with no dependencies. Unofficial Chipmunk2D port. cron 211 63 a cron library for go, updated to have removable jobs gorunner 144 19 A Jenkins-like continuous integration server written in Go (Golang) and Angularjs. crud 43 8 OpenAPI v2 builder and input validation for Go APIs, with Swagger UI cp-examples 25 2 Chipmunk2D examples ported to Go rely 16 1 reliable UDP messages for Go cp-ebiten 10 2 example physics in ebiten using chipmink port rest 8 8 updated version here: https://github.com/jakecoffman/go-rest camweb 6 0 graph 5 0 graph and tree algorithms in Go golang-websockets 4 5 Golang websocket examples. martini-gorp-bootstrap 4 1 Golang martini gorp bootstrap project go-command-running-thing 3 0 It's like shellinabox but with many more bugs and not as usable or secure. gogame 2 0 precursor to tanklets, deprecated magnets 2 1 actions 1 1 fam 1 0 a simple game to play with the kids golang-appengine 1 0 go-pluggable-example 1 0 Example pluggable http server via init() gorest 1 0 generic REST controller with Mongo go-rest-mongo 1 1 using gin learnopengl 1 0 implemented learnopengl.com stuff in Go tanklets 1 1 opengl multiplayer tank game & dedicated server websocktoe 1 0 TicTacToe with websockets (golang + angular) sshh 0 2 Connect to multiple machines via SSH and run commands nearly simultaneously. watch 0 1 watches the current directory for changes, then executes argsHTML go-angular-tutorial 113 33 source code for video tutorial series stldevs-frontend 2 0 deprecated, see https://github.com/jakecoffman/stldevs-vueJavaScript taskpy 13 6 Taskpy is a continuous integration web application written in Python, focusing on the DRY principal. netgame 2 0 port of gabrielgambetta.com Client Side Prediction Live Demo to Go bib 1 0 mobile first bible reader in vuejs social-deduction-party-game 1 0 deprecated, see https://github.com/jakecoffman/spytown-web stldevs-vue 1 0 deprecated, see https://github.com/jakecoffman/stldevs-vue3 sudoku 1 0 Sudoku with desktop controls designed to minimize mouse movement. FullScreenMario 0 1 A free HTML5 remake of Nintendo's original Super Mario Bros. It includes the original 32 levels, a random map generator, a level editor, and over a dozen custom mods.Python flask-tutorial 91 74 Source code for video tutorial series falcon_example 6 7 Example implementation of Python Falcon REST server with angular frontend. flask-bootstrap 6 3 a bootstrap project for Python's Flask, Twitter Bootstrap, and JQuery falcon-angular-bootstrap 3 0 pymongo-playground 1 0 json_parser 0 1 A pure python JSON parser using generators/coroutinesSvelte carman 0 1 local multiplayer web game with controller supportTypeScript simple-typescript-project 1 0 Vue matchville 1 2 multiplayer set making game