James Carr https://james-carr.org james.r.carr@gmail.comEngineering Leader, Meditator and Bourbon Enthusiast. Currently on the Pro Leisure Circuit. 271 454 258 1,067 221 No Language snipmate-nodejs 76 19 Various snippets for developing node.js from vim ansible-mac-demo 9 0 A very simple demo using ansible to configure a macbook nodejs-training 9 1 awesome-engineering-management 7 0 A collection of awesome links on all topics related to engineering management ehcache-amqpreplication 6 5 AMQP based replication for ehcache gradle-easyb-geb-example 3 1 Trying out easyb + geb jquery-html5-shim 3 0 Why wait? Use HTML5 now, not tomorrow. mochajs-snippets 3 1 Vim Snipmate snippets for use with mocha pad-tutorial 2 1 Code accompanying a little tutorial I wrote on using packer and ansible to build docker images camel-rabbitmq 1 0 Experimental RabbitMQ Component for Apache Camel docker-redis 1 0 google-collections-presentation 1 0 Examples from my google collections presentation grails-training 1 0 Just a commit of grails training this week intro-to-nodejs 1 0 Intro to node.js presentation + code samples learn-you-some-erlang 1 0 Exercises from the Learn You Some Erlang Website presentations 1 0 rabbitmq-monitor 1 0 Silly simple monitoring script for rabbitmq scala-gradle-template 1 0 Just a simple gradle file for initializing hybrid scala/java projects test 1 0 testC++ node 2 1 evented I/O for v8 javascriptCSS coffeescript-express-app 14 2 Example app that serves as a skeleton for coffeescript based node.js apps.CoffeeScript nodejs-mongodb-streaming 47 11 nodejs-mongodb-blog 31 13 Tutorial app for using node.js, coffeescript and mongodb rabbitmq-scheduled-delivery 31 2 An example of scheduled delivery in rabbitMQ. mongodb-elasticsearch-spike 5 0 A spike from HackCoMo night to try elasticsearch+mongodb out socket.io-test 3 0 Example of test driving socket.io, done with coffeescript and following the blog post at http://liamkaufman.com/blog/2012/01/28/testing-socketio-with-mocha-should-and-socketio-client/ node-imap-json-poster 1 0 Elixir elixir-learning 1 0 A repository of exercises for re-learning elixir. Go go-learning 1 1 My personal repository for mastering goGroovy h2-gradle-plugin 12 9 Gradle plugin to run an embedded h2 server gradle-scripts 1 0 grails-rabbitmq 1 0 Grails RabbitMQ Plugin groovy-resthooks-demo 1 0 A demo of REST Hooks using ratpack more-gradle-features 1 0 A demonstration of various "advanced" gradle featuresHCL rabbitmq-terraform-demo 1 0 Playing around with the new rabbitmq terraform provider.Java spring-amqp-extras 12 3 Extras that complement spring-amqp gradle-jetty-h2 7 1 Gradle project example that uses H2 in tcp mode, creates tables on startup, and uses JNDI lookups for the datasource blueprint-rabbitmq 2 0 Example of using spring-amqp with rabbitMQ. Utilizes a gradle multi-module project to separate the producer and consumer. camel-example 2 0 camel-jnb-article 2 0 Examples for Camel JNB Article stock-amqp-service-sample 2 1 Yet another sample application utilizing amqp amqpreplication-demo 1 0 couchdb-lucene 1 0 Enables full-text searching of CouchDB documents using Lucene dealer-service 1 0 An example service to manage dealers using RESTEasy elasticsearch-river-mongodb 1 0 MongoDB River Plugin for ElasticSearch form-template-refactoring 1 0 An example of applying Form Template Method (205) from refactoring to patterns gradle-cxf-example 1 0 An example of a multi-module project utilizing a CXF client and servier irc-camel-example 1 0 JMeter-Rabbit-AMQP 1 0 A JMeter plugin to publish & consume messages from RabbitMQ or any AMQP message broker spring3-playground 1 1 Demo app trying to accomplish resteasy implementation spring-amqp 1 0 Spring AMQP - support for Spring programming model with AMQP, especially but not limited to RabbitMQ spring-integration 1 0 Spring Integration provides an extension of the Spring programming model to support the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) struts2-interceptors 1 0 A Collection of Interceptors for Struts2 testdoubles-with-mockito 1 1 Examples and more for NFJS PresentationJavaScript paynode 336 39 Mega library that includes various loadable modules for interacting with different payment gateways nodejs-amqp-example 61 15 Delicious example using Socket.IO to publish and receive messages over AMQP node-shopping-cart 35 4 jasmine-tool 34 8 Jasmine clientside runner written in node.js mongoose-backbone 19 1 Expose mongoose models as Backbone models on the client side jquery-twitter 14 3 Use jquery. Harness twitter. nginx-subfilter-demo 10 4 A quick demo of using ngnix's subfilter module. mongoose-amqp-plugin 9 1 Plugin that publishes mongoose models over amqp sample-node-app 7 2 Simple sample application made to demonstrate express, socket.io, ejs, and mongoose javascript-testdrive-example 5 4 A collection of examples using various different frameworks to test drive javascript game-of-life-node 4 1 Game of life with Charm Renderer jquery-text-tools 4 1 Various tools to manipulate text, such as linkifying text. braintree_node 2 1 braintree node.js client library cloudtrail2graylog 2 0 Slurps up cloudtrail logs from s3 and ships them to graylog! example-nodejs-project 2 1 An example project to show the way I'm testing node.js file-api-spike 2 1 Quick websocket + file api spike frontend-learning 2 0 Refreshing my frontend knolwedge gameofllfe-js 2 0 javascript-bdd-presentation 2 2 node-replication-examples 2 0 Various examples of replicating data across node instances node-solr 2 1 Solr module for Node.js solitaire-cipher 2 0 Code kata from http://rubyquiz.com/quiz1.html implemented in javascript websockets-demo 2 1 Demo of websockets wolfram 2 0 Wolfram|Alpha API wrapper for node.js codedojo 1 0 Idea for a coding dojo site connect 1 0 Connect is a middleware layer for Node.js express 1 0 Sinatra inspired web development framework for node.js -- insanely fast, flexible, and simple html5-placeholder-emu 1 0 Placeholder emulator BDD'd with jasmine (used for examples) ionic-emoji-chat 1 1 jsspec-ant 1 0 ant tasks to run jsspec tests lame-chat 1 0 mongoose 1 0 Node.JS MongoDB utility library with ORM-like functionality mongoose-auth 1 0 User authentication plugin for mongoose nodejs orm node-elastical 1 0 Node.js client for the ElasticSearch REST API. nodejs-class 1 0 Perfect-Number-Kata 1 0 perfect-numbers-node 1 0 Simple example application using node.js + express + kiwi + jspec slide-show-spike 1 0 A spike of using a remote with html5rocks strange-passions 1 0 timezone-js 1 0 Timezone-enabled JavaScript Date object. Uses Olson zoneinfo files for timezone data. vows 1 0 Asynchronous BDD & continuous integration for node.jsPuppet puppet-docker-registry 7 1 Puppet module that installs and configures docker registry with opinionated defaults. puppet-gradle 1 0 Puppet Plugin for Gradle puppet-mongodb 1 0 A Puppet module for installing MongoDB on Ubuntu 10.xx puppet-module-supervisor 0 1 Puppet module for configuring the supervisor daemon tool. puppet-newrelic-python 0 2 Puppet module for new relic python agentPython locust.io-demo 23 11 Various demos using locust.io ansible-consul 6 1 An ansible role using molecule to to test. ansible-role-telegraf 2 1 An ansible role to install and configure Telegraf (https://influxdata.com/time-series-platform/telegraf/) ansible-s3-metadata 1 0 A little ansible module to fetch metadata for a particular key aws-cost-report 1 0 A handy command line utility to generate aws cost explorer reports Spyglass 1 0 a web app for HTTP debugging locust-memcached 0 1 Memcache client implementation for Locusts testsRuby nodejs-vagrant 12 5 A vagrant box configured for one of my node.js apps secure-docker-example 12 2 An example of securing docker's Remote API with client-side ssl! zend-skeleton 12 4 Simple Zend Framework 2 skeleton project with built in vagrant support node-capistrano-script 9 1 Capistrano script I use for multi stage deployments in node.js cookbooks 4 0 Opscode Cookbooks for Chef mysql-box 3 0 A vagrant box with a simple mysql database on it! jenkins-with-capistrano 2 0 A vagrant box with jenkins configured to use capistrano sensu-experiment 2 5 Just a simple experiment to understand how sensu works! capistrano-flask-demo 1 0 chef-deploy 1 0 Chef Resources and Providers for deploying ruby web apps without capistrano docker-experiment 1 0 A little docker experiment to emulate a PaaS garethr-docker 1 1 Puppet module for managing docker janus 1 0 A MacVim Distro puppet-master-agent 1 0 vagrant example of master / agent setup rabbitmq-vagrant 1 0 vagrant-spike 1 0 guard-phpunit 0 2 Guard::PHPUnit automatically runs your testsScala scala-game-of-life 3 0 Game Of Life in Scala scala-examples 2 0 My personal scala exercises scala-prime-factors 2 1 prime factors kata done with specs spring-integration-scala 1 0 Spring Integration Scala DSLShell rabbitmq-federation-example 19 5 Example setup using rabbitmq federation mcrouter-docker 17 8 mcrouter as a docker image zerorpc-java 9 2 ZeroRPC java implementation packer-templates 2 1 Various packer templates! jzmq 1 0 Java binding for 0MQ my-vagrant-setup 1 1 My preferred vagrant setupVimL .vim 3 0 my dot vim directory, shared on github for reuse on multiple machines!