Jared Forsyth http://jaredforsyth.com gh@jaredforsyth.com 1,284 79 523 9,642 1,119 No Language reason-lisp-example 36 1 An example of using the lisp syntax for reason/ocaml ferver 5 5 fe(a)rver - versioning for those of us who only care about breaking changes colorlife 2 0 Conway's Game of Life, in different colors and shape evaluate-local-first-databases 2 0 fruit-ninja-assets 2 1 maze-bot 2 0 unison-wasm-example 2 0 byugpa 1 0 BYU GPA What-If Calculator collection 1 0 A guided tour through the best free coding tutorials on the web midi-boids 1 0 A musical simulation exploration reasonml-bsc-guide 1 0 Guide to ReasonML (OCaml syntax) and BuckleScript unison-runtime-tests 1 0 a library for testing the unison core runtime (helpful for developing alternate runtimes) org-mode-examples 0 1 Examples of Org-Mode GoodiesC reasongl-native 1 0 Native OpenGL backend for ReasonGLC++ Contruct 15 8 the free open-source game creator by scirra zenphoton 1 0 The "Zen photon garden", an HTML5 raytracing art-toy.CSS a-reason-react-tutorial 92 43 included code for A ReasonReact Tutorial hexium 25 7 type-systems-js-dev 2 0 Font-Awesome 1 0 The iconic font designed for Bootstrap formative 1 0 Clojure reepl 63 6 The cljs Read-eval-print-loop that really understands you tutorial-cljs 14 0 codemirror-parinfer 1 0 A Parinfer mode for the CodeMirror editor replumb 1 0 ClojureScript plumbing for your self-hosted REPLs.Coq coqdocs 5 0 The docs I wish I had while learning CoqDockerfile reason-docker-server 14 4 An example cohttp server w/ dockerfile for deploying to now.shGLSL my-shader-school 1 1 Go rocks 5 2 goflam3 2 1 Flame fractals in golang flame-explorer 1 0 Plumb the depths of the chaos fractalHTML rxvision 426 31 visualizer debugger for reactive streams naturalearth-mirror 2 0 A mirror for 110m naturalearth data, easily loadable from e.g. observablehq real-world-react-debugging 1 0 worldmap 1 0 a map of the world, and a world of mapsJavaScript hexo-admin 1,772 300 An Admin Interface for Hexo treed 1,713 192 Powerful Tree Editor github-issues-viewer 239 18 A gitub issues viewer build in react + backbone local-first 225 6 data syncing, storage, and collaboration. that works redoc 115 11 A clean & easy documentation generator for reason/bucklescript/ocaml stylecleanup 112 11 Find & fix unused styles in react native and aphrodite PJs 53 6 kinda like pyjamas, but quicker, cleaner, and easier. has the goal of generating readable, usable *robust* javascript code from python code demobox 35 5 Demo Page Generator & Live Editor Component vscode-background-terminal-notifier 34 10 Get a notification when a long-running terminal process completes in the background. react-router 33 7 An integrated router for react rejs 28 2 hexo-renderer-handlebars 26 12 j3 23 0 Another attempt to realize my programming language hybrid-logical-clocks-example 22 1 react-devtools 19 5 An extension that allows inspection of React component hierarchy in Chrome Developer Tools. mocha-selenium 15 5 Run selenium tests in parallel using mocha react-teleporter 12 3 Make teleportable components jaredly.github.io 9 13 node.js python data science golang philosophy faith. in no particular order reason-docs 7 1 This is the old version: go to ssh-keypair 7 3 jnew 6 1 reactconf 6 0 Relay, Redux, Om/next Oh my! itreed 5 0 Notablemind:repl a tree-based interface for iPython and Gorilla-repl type-safe-react-native 5 0 graphql-flow 4 1 Generate flowtypes for your graphql queries type-safe-react 4 0 babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-source 3 0 bs-core 3 0 unofficial js for your bucklescript code GameCC 3 0 a game cross compiler move-over-electron 3 0 reactiveconf-reasonml 3 0 my talk for reactiveconf 2017 bidirectional-search-viz 2 0 Visualization of Bidirectional Search foood_old 2 0 this is just my personal recipe manager. might expand to be a service JsSnake2 2 0 a javascript snake game reprocessing 2 1 Experimental reason port of processing afraid-of-change 1 0 bakhan 1 0 eat moer bakhan bootstrap-dropdown-css 1 2 Bootstrap Dropdowns Component chrome-ext-tabulator 1 0 Tabulator is a free Google Chrome extension that helps reduce tab clutter and memory usage by saving all your open tabs into lists which can be restored at another time flammable 1 0 guided-ml 1 0 Guided Machine Learning App HangoutNow 1 0 Always-on-top window w/ the hangout from your calendar js-php-unserialize 1 8 JavaScript tool to unserialize data taken from PHP. It can parse "serialize()" output, or even serialized sessions data. lessterfy 1 0 munamux 1 0 neural-js 1 0 phabrador-retriever 1 0 quotes 1 0 An app for managing family quotes raisin 1 0 reasonml-reactjs-test 1 1 scripturize 1 0 skreact 1 1 viz 1 0 baumeister 0 1 generate-perseus-flowtypes 0 1 live-editor 0 1 A browser-based live coding environment. rememberme 0 1 runner 0 1 This makes working with all the notablemind repos easier. Does linking, etc for you. spa 0 1 Learn spanish by reading the Book of Mormon xon 0 1 fiXture Object NotationOCaml reason-language-server 657 84 A language server for reason, in reason gravitron 492 19 a little game fluid 109 1 reason-macros 105 0 Template-based macros for Reason/OCaml let-anything 98 6 Deprecated, use the reasonml-community one ohai 96 7 easy setup from ocaml/reason native projects hooks-experimental 75 5 An experiment using react's new "hooks" with ReasonReact pack.re 72 1 a simple js bundler for reason reason-cli-tools 68 3 A cross-platform collection of useful utilities for making cli's in reason reason_async 65 8 reprocessing-scripts 64 9 reason-websocket 57 2 A websocket library for reason native isomagic-todos 51 3 myntax 51 3 reprocessing-example-cross-platform 51 6 A boilerplate example for getting cross-platform reprocessing games off the ground rex-json 46 12 A simple cross-target JSON parser for Reason/OCaml purple-maze 45 2 A maze game written in reasonml reason-simple-server 42 2 A simple server library for native reason reason-maze 39 4 js_deep_ppx 36 0 [@js.deep] for immutably updating nested javascript objects in Reason/OCaml f3d 34 0 minimist.re 34 4 A no-frills cli argument parser for reason ppx_autoserialize 27 4 belt 21 2 Bucklescript's belt library packaged for native ocaml / dune / esy lost-ranger 15 0 reason_async_example 15 2 rsnpaint 15 0 experimenting with animations + reasonml esyi 13 1 reason-bucklescript-example 10 1 Very bare bones starter pack for reason and bucklescript flame-rsn 8 0 cowcow 7 0 http://cowcow.surge.sh/ letop-bs-example 7 0 advent-2017 5 1 redu 5 0 A disk usage analyser, that's just a simple GUI on top of `du -sh` ppx_guard 4 0 early returns for ocaml/reason ppx_import 4 0 bees 3 0 cowsay 3 0 A repo demonstrating the serializer generator "milk" example-reason-codemod 3 0 maze.re 3 0 A reason library for generating mazes ppx_tools_bs 2 2 reasongl-android 2 0 scripture-annotator 2 0 A ReasonReact app for annotating holy scripture test.re 2 0 cross-set 1 0 A game inspired by quirkle story-engine 1 0 reason-react 0 1 Reason bindings for ReactJSProcessing kinect-dancing 1 0 Python vim-debug 283 28 A plugin for VIM that creates an Integrated Debugging Environment :) Currently works with PHP and Python codetalker 102 25 A succinct, pythonic parser + translator solution django-appsettings 88 12 A unified settings system for reusable django apps django-feedback 57 33 A reusable django app to add an AJAX "feedback" tab to your site clevercss2 39 2 A complete rewrite of clevercss, utilizing the codetalker library pydbgp 36 9 A fork of Activestate's PyDBGp server clevercss 21 4 I've moved development to http://github.com/jabapyth/clevercss2 css 16 2 A small, fast css parser in python that utilizes the codetalker library drupal2django 16 1 A tool for migrating a blog from drupal to django; supports nodes, users, redirects, and more babytux 13 6 A game based on babysmash, for occupying small children at the computer django-restive 13 1 A library for enabling the easy and intuitive creating of RESTful services in django jfcom 6 2 repository for my website pbj 6 0 python build jelly - a simple, extensible pythonic build framework blender 5 2 My blender scripts pyjamas 5 0 a git clone of the sourceforge repo @ https://pyjamas.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pyjamas blender-addons 3 0 Unofficial mirror of addons part of Blender Subversion repository benchmarking-stuff 2 0 I occasionally do benchmarks; here's the code I use to do them. disttest 2 1 Adding an extensible "test" command to distutils django-basic-apps 2 1 Simple prebuilt applications. django-cmd-admin 2 0 A tool for blogging from the command line =) and doing many django/admin type stuff from the console django-myprojects 2 0 An app to keep track of all of your projects -- for use on a personal site registrar 2 0 A simple library for handling @registration of functions decision-tree 1 1 django-hitcount 1 1 Django hit counter application that tracks the number of hits/views for chosen objects django-photos 1 0 an app to provide intuitive, easy to integrate photo + gallery capabilities to your models pm 1 0 Project Mananger supermap 1 0 vim-phpdebug 1 0 Project has been moved to http://github.com/jabapyth/vim-debug bs-refmt-jsoo 0 1 find-my-router 0 1 Reason milk 201 6 Milk 🥛 Stress-free serialization & deserialization for Reason/OCaml get_in_ppx 40 3 patterns 4 2 islamic geometric art generator toolio code-review-checker 3 0 Sits in your mac menu par, checking for code reviewsRust veoluz 151 7 "I see light" - visualize the paths of millions of light rays through reflection, refraction and diffusion terraform 53 1 rust + usgs data = 3d-printable models of mountains, canyons, etc. rusty-automata 29 2 Cellular Automata in Rust grow 22 1 Generative art rust-ranger 1 0 A 2d minecraft-like with an emphasis on physics & projectile motion kiss3d 0 1 Keep it simple, stupid 3d graphics engine for Rust.Scheme unison.rs 68 4 Shell ocaml-cross-mobile 19 3 gittt-cherry-picking-and-merging 1 0 How does git do some things? heroku-buildpack-nodejs 0 1 The official Heroku buildpack for Node.js apps.Swift qmoji 296 5 🙃 Like mojibar, but written in swift SwiftTweaks 1 0 Tweak your iOS app without recompiling! TypeScript render-react-native-to-image 106 10 Take a React Native component tree, and render it into an SVG. jerd 36 1 geometricart 5 0 j2 4 0 algorithm-j 3 0 a typescript version bookread 2 0 planjs 2 0 qwertyface 1 0 I found these strange markings engraved on the bottom of a 5000-year-old filing cabinet in peru