Rob Williams Postdoctoral Research Fellow in political science 58 1 29 68 94 HTML 46 79 Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakesR causalgraphs 2 1 R code for causal graph animations conflict-preemption 1 1 Replication code for "Turning the Lights on to Keep Them in the Fold: How Governments Preempt Secession Attempts." Peace-Agreement-Strength 1 0 Repository for A Latent Variable Approach to Measuring and Explaining Peace Agreement Strength RWmisc 0 1 Miscellaneous Spatial FunctionsTeX Job-Market 11 5 Academic job market template UNC-Dissertation-Template 6 6 Updated LaTeX template for UNC dissertations based on Björn Brandenburg's template Teaching 1 0 Document templates and useful scripts for teaching TeX-Misc 0 1 Miscellaneous TeX code and templates