joe beuckman 202 15 230 1,011 364 No Language attenuverting-mixer 4 0 One-IC three channel attenuverting mixer CSound-TX81Z 4 0 CSound f-tables for the TX81Z operator waveforms MFOS-ADSR-w-State-LEDs 4 0 CNC router PCB and euro panel for Ray Wilson's design MS20-RingMod 4 0 XOR ring modulator Ctrlr-Lexicon-MPX100 3 2 Ctrlr Panel To Sysex Edit the Lexicon MPX100 euro_psu 3 2 Eurorack format +12/-12/+5 MFOS-Dual-VCA 3 1 CNC router PCB and euro panel for Ray Wilson's design MFOS-State-Variable-Filter 3 1 CNC router PCB and euro panel for Ray Wilson's design Roland-140-EG 3 1 Based on the PDF I got from @isak on electro-music forum. angular-plaid 2 0 An Angular service for accessing the Plaid financial API Buchla-Portamento 2 0 CNC PCB Ctrlr-Quadraverb 2 1 Starting an Alesis Quadraverb editor for Ctrlr pdf-lib 1 0 Create and modify PDF documents in any JavaScript environment regulated-euro-psu 1 1 CNC router PCB for the PSU design by ThreeDeify 1 0 An idea for creating a stereo image from a 2D sourceC TiWebSocketServer 7 1 Titanium module wrapper for Benjamin Loulier's BLWebSocketsServerC++ SoftwareSerialIn 8 3 One pin read-only serial com for Arduino kinect_pcl_osc_qt 6 2 Kinect > OpenNI > PCL > OSC in Qt ofxObjectSurfer 4 3 An addon for capturing sets of keypoints and descriptors and then finding one or more objects in an image. PLUS 2 0 Otto DIY+ ("Otto DIY with steroids" + Bluetooth + APP + switch + sensors + strength +... ofxUIListView 0 1 Addon for ofxUI that implements a scrolling table of rows that can be added, etc..Eagle 808-Bass-Drum 14 4 808-Handclap 14 4 Eagle layout and Cambam panel for a clone of a famous handclap voice circuit atmega_midi_cv_polysynth 14 4 Multiple pitch + velocity CV outputs via MCP4822 808-Hihats 13 3 808-Rimshot-Clave 12 3 808-Snare-Drum 12 3 808-Maraca 10 2 808-Output 9 3 atmega_midi_cv_monosynth 6 1 Uses the MIDI library to operate two MCP4822 DAC EFM_VCF_4622 6 2 Moog Taurus type Transistor Ladder LPF MFOS-VCO-Ramp-Core 6 1 one-sided PCB layout for Ray's most up to date VCO core (includes ramp output) MFOS-VCO-Shapers 4 1 MS20-VCF 4 1 Going for Euro version of ParametricEQ 4 1 From EFM_VC_RADSR 3 0 Eagle PCB and panel layout for listed. MFOS-Dual-VCA-Sliders 3 0 Stereoping-8R-Spring-Reverb 3 0 140-EG-Sliders 2 0 Eurorack format Roland 140 EG Clone with 45mm Sliders attenuator_with_meter 2 0 Output module for a modular synthesizer. CR78-GU 2 1 CR78-HB 2 0 CR78-SD 2 1 CR78-TB 2 1 Four_Channel_Mixer 2 1 Euro format mixer based (again) on one from Ray Wilson thrust_bucket 2 0 Active-Mult 1 0 atmega_midi_knobs_controller 1 0 Send MIDI controller values from a bank of potentiometers. attenuverter 1 0 CGS-Noise 1 0 CGS-Simple-Wave-Folder 1 0 CR78-MB 1 1 EFM-Slide 1 0 EFM Slide circuit layout for eurorack EFM-VCF6c 1 1 Based on LinearSlewLimiter 1 0 From TH_simple_AD-R- 1 0 x0x-heart-power 1 2 Power supply for x0x-heart and my MIDI interface for it VC-Pan 0 1 1 0 my webpageJava Android-SyncAdapter-JSON-Server-Example 44 29 Android SyncAdapter Sample for connecting to Drupal JSON Server cordova-plugin-geocoder 4 7 Simple implementation of iOS geocoding cncgcodecontroller 1 0 CNC-GCode-Controller cordova-plugin-ibeacon 0 1 An iBeacon plugin for Phonegap / Cordova 3.x and upwards. Supports both iOS and Android (contributions are welcome) p5sunflow 0 1 Processing + Sunflow glueJavaScript strapi-plugin-import-content 108 28 Import plugin for Strapi CMS drupal-client 32 10 Javascript client for Drupal Services TiBeacons-Example-App 30 17 Shows use of the TiBeacons module strapi-plugin-image-formats 15 7 Configure image processing for image uploads to Strapi NodeJS CMS k-means-js 11 1 A basic Javascript implementation of the cluster analysis algorithm. ArView 10 8 A Ti-Alloy widget for displaying an augmented reality camera overlay TitaniumDrupalAdapter 8 5 A Titanium REST interface for Services 3.4 (Drupal 7) Splasher 7 4 Create all splash screen + app icon sizes instantly from your responsive HTML. ArView-Example-App 5 4 Alloy version of Parmavision by Jeff Bonnes AutoGraph--old-version- 4 1 A visual data routing automation tool. infermedica-ionic 4 0 Quick and dirty demo of the Infermedica API RaspPi-Resonant-EQ 4 0 A MIDI controllable DSP version of the Serge Resonant Equalizer TiBLE-Test-App 4 3 drupal-spa 3 0 An example using drupal-client in the browser. PushPlugin 3 3 Push Notification Plugin for iOS and Android AlloyToggle 2 1 Toggle button (like checkbox) AutoGraph 2 2 A visual data routing automation tool dark-sky-tileset 2 0 GoogleDirections 2 2 Alloy widget for loading directions between two lat/lon locations. midi-utils-js 2 0 A very simple collection of MIDI data utilities for JavaScript. node-patch-manager 2 0 Serialize MIDI-configured synthesizer patches and respond to MIDI program changes. strapi-plugin-images 2 1 Strapi plugin for manipulating image uploads AlloyCheckbox 1 3 A simple checkbox widget for TiAlloy. AlloyStarRatingWidget 1 4 The familiar five-star rating control for Alloy EventDispatcher 1 0 Regular old EventDispatcher pattern with set of types fixed in the constructor. express-starter 1 0 My setup for microservices glcm 1 0 Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix image analyzer with WebGL. IFTTT-Channel-Scraper 1 0 Scrapes IFTTT to find all triggers and actions for each channel. ImagePoints 1 0 Generate G-Code to drill hole grid with depths based on brightness of a given image. ionic-drupal-client 1 0 A service and basic interface for consuming my drupal-client library in an Ionic app keystone-rest 1 3 Adds REST-like routes with Swagger UI to Keystone Location-Network-Background-Events-Test 1 1 Try to log events in the background. mapbox-tileset 1 0 Manage API uploads for processing into Mapbox tilesets. ng-yodlee 1 0 AngularJS service to consume Yodlee API redux-substore 1 0 Collected actions, reducer, epic and state for any async operation. TiPebble-Example-App 1 1 Demonstrates usage of the TiPebble module twitter_image_poster 1 0 Repeatedly post images to Twitter. AlloyBaseControllerEventHandler 0 1 AlloyHorizontalScrollExample 0 1 Working out an issue with calculated content width AlloyMigrationExample 0 1 Figuring out how to properly do a migration on an existing Alloy Model. AlloyWidgetAssetsExample 0 2 Reproducing and hopefully solving a problem I have with Widget assets. AlloyWidgetModelExample 0 1 Demonstrating a problem I'm working on with Models owned by Widgets. AndroidJsFileTest 0 2 Working on a problem referencing local js from local html on Android (Alloy) BitcoinExchangeRateWidget 0 1 OSX dashboard widget showing latest rates cordova-plugin-geolocation 0 1 Mirror of Apache Cordova Plugin geolocation node-XMLHttpRequest 0 1 XMLHttpRequest for node.js SinglyServicesModel 0 1 A custom Alloy syncAdapter and Model loads and displays the list of Singly services with icons in a table. TableViewRowExample 0 7 Working through databinding topics with Alloy TableViewRows TiOAuthIOtest 0 1 TiShadowQtest 0 1 Demonstrates a resolved issue using the q.js deferred library with TiShadow TiWorkerExample 0 1 Working out the way to use ti.worker in Alloy yodlee-node-demo 0 1 Yodlee's sample code from TiBeacons 136 57 iBeacon advertising and scanning in a Titanium module TiBLE 25 3 A basic CoreBluetooth implementation for Titanium TiEstimote 21 3 A basic implementation of the Estimote SDK for Titanium/iOS TiPebble 18 5 Implement basic features of the Pebble iOS SDK. cordova-plugin-applepay 17 6 Implement the ApplePay request. cordova-plugin-pebble 13 1 Implementation of the Pebble SDK for Cordova. TiOAuthIO 12 2 Titanium module implementing the iOS SDK titanium-singly-module 5 2 Implements the Singly iOS SDK as a Titanium module Appcelerator-Urban-Image-Library 3 2 An Appcelerator module that allows access to a device's photo library beuckman-plugins-bonjour 2 0 Set up discoverability and respond to requests from Cordova.OpenSCAD EFM_VCF3 9 2 Oberheim type VCF MFOS-VCO-edge 5 1 Ray Wilson's VCO with eurorack power and connectors on the edge. Roland-121-VCF 5 1 Based on Roland-140-EG-2layer 2 1 Perl commands 0 1 my commonly used scriptsProlog envelope_follower 4 0 Envelop follower for eurorack with bonus LFOPython retroSpeak 6 1 A SP0256 speech synthesiser add-on board for Raspberry Pi A+ or B+ or v2Stata MFOS-Dual-VCA-2Layer 3 1 TypeScript sysex 7 0 Format MIDI Sysex Messages schoology 6 5 Format requests to the Schoology API ForceDirectedGraph 3 0 A basic force directed graph but with wrapping so objects stay in the given area. geomagnetic-coordinates 2 0 Convert geographic coords to and from geomagnetic coords react-pull-to-refresh 0 1 React pull To refreshnesC AtTiny_MIDI_CV 14 2 simple MIDI CV 808-MidTom-MidConga 11 2 PG328 11 1 PG800 Clone with OLED Screen and MIDI Sysex 808_Cowbell 10 2 808-Cymbale 10 2 808-LowTom-LowConga 10 2 atmega_midi_x0x_heart 10 3 Atmega328 MIDI interface for the x0x heart hip_bass_drum 10 3 Build a Eurorack version of Craig Anderton's Hip Bass Drum 808-Diginoise 9 2 808_Noise 9 2 atmega_midi_cv_basic 7 4 Simple gate+pitch+velocity with one 4822 Mike-Sims-VCA 7 3 atmega_midi_cv_drums 6 1 MIDI controlled Accent and Trigger signals for eg. 808 atmega_midi_clock 4 2 Generate trigger voltages from MIDI clock messages MFOS-TL084-MultiUse-PCB 3 0 Polivoks-VCF 3 1 Info here: pt2399_echo 3 0 arduino_midi_cv_eagle 2 0 Schematic and board for an atmega328 based midi->cv midi_thru 2 1 Woollaston-ADSR 2 1 CGS-Subosc 1 1 Simplified euro format version of CR78-Controller 1 0 MIDI to pulses, accent circuit, noise circuit. little_gate_sequencer 1 1 MFOS-Multi-Noise 1 0 CNC router PCB and euro panel for Ray Wilson's design VCA3- 1 0 YuSynth_SnH 1 0 Frequency-Counter 0 1 ScottBernardi-VCdelay-PCB 0 1