Jeff Scott Brown 313 107 740 93 54 No Language gitdemo 2 0 githubdemo 1 0 testing 1 0 testingCSS langdemo 9 3 ggtesting 5 4 demoquartz 1 0 grailsstruts 1 0 appcfg 0 2 cxfdemo 0 1 domainautowire 0 1 fullnamequestion 0 1 hamzagorm 0 1 issue10043 0 1 issue1026 0 1 issue10862 0 1 issue10878 0 1 marshallerproblem 0 1 Working to recreate a reported bug viewdemo 0 1 yammerdemo 0 1 Clojure clojure-n-queens 1 0 Openar 1 0 Openar, a Clojure environmentGroovy groovy-datomic 10 2 groovy-midi 8 1 groovy-measures 6 1 Experimental project adding measures support to Groovy. expandolite 3 1 grurl 3 0 Grails URL Minifier actiondemo 1 0 Micronaut Actiondemo Application booleanmock 1 0 cacheevict 1 0 erskinemultitenancy 1 1 grails-cookie 1 0 Makes dealing with cookies easy. Provides an injectable service and tag to easily get, set, and delete cookies with one line grailshibernatedemo 1 0 Simple Grails Hibernate Demo grailstwitter 1 0 Grails Twitter Sample Application issue540 1 0 kousendemo 1 0 messagedemo 1 0 multiprojectbuild 1 1 nestedqueryproblem 1 0 sfgroupsjsonbinding 1 0 spockdemo 1 0 traitplugin 1 0 transientvalidationquestion 1 0 urlmappingpackage 1 0 carstuff 0 1 g3metaprogramming 0 1 grails3ast 0 1 issue511 0 1 kastone 0 1 microservice-poc 0 2 nacharymntests 0 1 raphaelcommandobject 0 1 testsubcontroller 0 1 Java beanbuilder 1 0 Gradle-M2Metadata-Plugin 1 0 This is Maven Embedder plugin for Gradle. It retrieves project information from pom.xml and configures Gradle accordingly. grails-doc 1 1 Documentation Project For The Grails Web Application Framework grailsnolib 1 0 issue5985 1 1 jonathansouzanotfound 1 0 luistrigueirosinject 1 0 mohamedmiledijpa 1 1 renansouzaproperties 1 0 spring-framework 1 0 The Spring Framework markusschultevalue 0 1 serdeable 0 2 Micronaut Serdeable Application spring-boot-micronaut-client 0 1 JavaScript client-demo 1 0 five15 1 0 gebspike 0 1 issue1468 0 1 pablopazosmenus 0 1 Python spring-python 1 0 Ruby asciidoctor 0 1 A Ruby-based text processor and publishing toolchain for transforming AsciiDoc markup into HTML 5, DocBook 4.5 or 5.0 and other custom formats. git-scribe 0 1 basically the best way to write an ebookShell ramdisk 4 1 A simple shell script for creating a ramdisk gradledemo 2 1 books 1 1 grails10319 1 0 groovytestcode 1 0 donalconverter 0 1 VimL dot_vim_dir 1 0 Vue micronaut-vue-demo 1 1