Jeff Barczewski 220 8 129 5,082 437 No Language bare-js 0 1 A bare repo template having commonly used files to start building a Node.js module withC++ untrunc 1 1 Restore a damaged (truncated) mp4, m4v, mov, 3gp video. Provided you have a similar not broken video.Go copier 1 0 Copier for golang, copy value from struct to struct and more goderive 1 0 Functional programming for Golang go-httpstat 1 0 Tracing golang HTTP request latency gosoap 1 0 🦉SOAP package for Go pester 1 1 Go (golang) http calls with retries and backoff JavaScript wait-on 1,893 78 wait-on is a cross-platform command line utility and Node.js API which will wait for files, ports, sockets, and http(s) resources to become available redux-logic 1,804 106 Redux middleware for organizing all your business logic. Intercept actions and perform async processing. bench-rest 304 51 bench-rest - benchmark REST (HTTP/HTTPS) API's. node.js client module for easy load testing / benchmarking REST API's using a simple structure/DSL can create REST flows with setup and teardown and returns (measured) metrics. joi-browser 271 31 joi validation bundled for the browser (deprecated) - use joi@16+ pkglink 214 10 Space saving Node.js package hard linker. pkglink locates common JavaScript/Node.js packages from your node_modules directories and hard links the package files so they share disk space. microservices 150 49 Microservices example code using Node.js, Redis, Hapi autoflow 97 5 autoflow (formerly react) is a javascript module to make it easier to work with asynchronous code, by reducing boilerplate code and improving error and exception handling while allowing variable and task dependencies when defining flow. redux-logic-test 37 3 redux-logic test utilities to facilitate the testing of logic. Create mock store redis-rstream 33 9 redis-rstream is a node.js redis read stream which streams binary or utf8 data in chunks from a redis key using an existing redis client (streams2). Tested with mranney/node_redis client. digest-stream 30 5 Simple node.js pass-through stream (RW) which calculates the a crypto digest (sha/md5 hash) of a stream and also the length. Pipe your stream through this to get digest and length. (streams2) markdown-it-modify-token 25 2 markdown-it plugin for modifying tokens in a markdown document. It can for example modify content or attributes for certain type of elements like links or images. redis-wstream 20 5 redis-wstream is a node.js redis write stream which streams binary or utf8 data into a redis key using an existing redis client (streams2). Tested with mranney/node_redis client. pass-stream 17 1 pass-stream - pass-through node.js stream which can filter/adapt and pause data react-boilerplate-logic 16 6 :fire: redux-logic fork of react-boilerplate - A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices. (sagas swapped out for redux-logic) base-react-min 12 7 Minimal React.js boilerplate with an auto build environment ensure-array 12 3 Ensure that a javascript object is an array, coerce if necessary. Move error checking out of your node.js javascript code. parquetjs 9 0 fully asynchronous, pure JavaScript implementation of the Parquet file format (pure JS fork, w/o lzo compression) git-wiki 8 4 A quick & dirty git-powered Sinatra wiki autoflow-graphviz 7 3 autflow-graphviz is a plugin for autflow, the flow control rules engine, which allows react to use graphviz to generate flow diagrams for the dependencies accum 6 0 Simple stream sink which accumulates or collects the data from a stream. Pipe your stream into this to get all the data as buffer, string, or raw array. (streams2) hapi-bunyan-lite 6 4 Minimalistic Bunyan logging integration for Hapi - forwards Hapi log events to bunyan cluster-master 5 7 A module for taking advantage of the built-in `cluster` module in node v0.8+, enables rolling worker restarts, resizing, repl, events, configurable timeouts, debug method. Extended version of cluster-master ngzip 5 1 ngzip is a portable streaming stdio gzip command line utility that uses Node.js zlib. It should run anywhere Node.js runs including windows, *nix, mac. autoflow-deferred 4 0 autoflow-deferred is a plugin for react, the flow control rules engine, which adds integration with jQuery-style Deferred promises joi-full 4 2 joi object schema validation with extensions as universal/isomorphic libarary for Node.js and bundled for the browser (babelified and bundled) tapper 4 0 Tapper (tapr) is a node.js tap runner which improves formatting and allows stdout and stderr mixed in with the tap output. Also optionally adds color to the output autoflow-q 3 0 autoflow-q is a plugin for autoflow, the flow control rules engine, which adds integration with Q-style Deferred promises dustjs 3 1 Asynchronous templates for the browser and node.js joi 3 0 Object schema validation jsconf-react 3 12 JSConf 2015 React.js training workshop length-stream 3 0 Simple pass-through node.js stream (RW) which accumulates the length of the stream. (streams2) petrify 3 0 A flexible static site generator for node.js react 3 0 React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's declarative, efficient, and extremely flexible. What's more, it works with the libraries and frameworks that you already know. base-react-slim 2 1 base boilerplate react environment with auto-build env w/o testing framework chai-stack 2 1 Light wrapper around chaijs which automatically sets chai.Assertion.includeStack = true event-stream 2 0 EventStream is like functional programming meets IO function.bind.js 2 0 Polyfill old webkit and iOS browsers with Function.prototype.bind inflection 2 0 A port of the Rails/ActiveSupport inflector to JavaScript jsconf-react-win 2 5 JSConf 2015 React.js training workshop (Windows version) jshint-mode 2 0 JSHint integrated into emacs redux-util 2 3 redux utilities for easily constructing action creators and reducers base-react-min-win 1 1 Minimal React.js boilerplate with an auto build environment for Windows behaviors 1 0 A (really) simple way to check a modules export's in node.js. Inspired by behaviors in Erlang. chai 1 0 BDD / TDD assertion framework for node.js and the browser that can be paired with any testing framework. create-react-app 1 0 Create React apps with no build configuration. es-check 1 1 Checks the version of ES in JavaScript files with simple shell commands 🏆 feature-redux 1 1 feature-u redux integration feature-redux-logic 1 1 feature-u redux-logic integration feature-u 1 1 Feature Based Project Organization for React feature-u-bookmark-notes 1 1 Simple React.js, redux, redux-logic app using feature-u to showcase feature-based development has.js 1 0 Pure Feature Detection Library hoek 1 0 Node utilities shared amongst the extended hapi universe inspirecat 1 1 Repo for React/Redux SPA and TheCatAPI jaeger-client-node 1 1 Jaeger Bindings for OpenTracing API for Node.js joi-date-extensions-browser 1 2 joi-date-extensions bundled for the browser json-template 1 0 Minimal but powerful templating language implemented in multiple languages markdown-js 1 0 A Markdown parser for javascript mocha 1 0 mocha - simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser. (BDD, TDD, QUnit styles via interfaces) node-jsdoc-toolkit 1 0 A fork of the jsdoc-toolkit project ported to run natively on Node.JS node-memorystream 1 0 This is lightweight memory stream module for node.js. node-tap 1 0 Test Anything Protocol tools for node routes.js 1 0 a minimalist url-style routing library, extracted from connect s3rver 1 0 A fake S3 server written in NodeJs serverless 1 0 Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! – serverless-hooks-plugin 1 1 A plugin to run arbitrary commands on any lifecycle event in serverless tap-producer 1 0 A module for producing TAP output trycatch 1 0 An asynchronous exception handler with long stack traces for node.js waverider 1 0 waverider CMS - lightweight fast CMS/blog with realtime edit and preview written in javascript for node.js wmd 1 1 wanton markdown - a markdown parser based on showdownRuby collective 2 0 A no-frills Merb wiki extracted from maruku 2 0 Git clone of the Maruku, the Markdown interpreter modulize 2 0 Safe, easy method override/extension without manual alias_method chaining sinatra 2 0 Classy web-development dressed in a DSL webby 2 0 A lightweight and flexible website management system. warbler 1 0 Warbler chirpily constructs .war files of your Ruby applications.Shell git-clone-init 3 1 Create new project from clone - clone repo, rm .git, git init, sed files, git commit redux-logic-examples 2 4 TypeScript formik 1 1 Build forms in React, without the tears 😭 rxjs-1 1 1 A reactive programming library for JavaScript