Jeff Heaton Computer scientist that specializes in data science and artificial intelligence. Adjunct faculty at WUSTL. 6,998 2 61 10,221 4,976 No Language libsvm-java 14 14 This is simply a repository to hold the latest libsvm Java, and allow me to track changes. This is not my own project. See homepage URL for source. mergelife-experiments 9 1 Data for several runs of MergeLife jeffheaton 8 10 pysamppackage 8 0 A sample package for Python to learn how to structure a package. cs-video-courses 7 4 List of Computer Science courses with video lectures. encog-silverlight-core 6 3 Encog for Silverlight is no longer supported or maintained. Version 3.0 was the last released version. PyLaTeX 6 1 A Python library for creating LaTeX files stylegan2-cloud 5 0 Utilities to run StyleGAN2 ADA Pytorch in the cloud jeffheaton-bookcode 4 0 Source code from books published by Jeff Heaton data 2 18 Some common datasets with headers added and properly setup for Pandas/others docker-jupyterhub 2 0 My Jupyterhub docker image jheaton_images 2 0 Images that I use for various sites, like Kaggle jheaton-ds2 1 0 Some of my datasets (public) kaggle-otto-group 1 0 Jeff Heaton's Entry for Kaggle Otto Group Product Classification ChallengeAssembly present 184 130 Code from Jeff Heaton's YouTube videos, articles, and conference presentations. apollo64 12 2 ˜Apollo64 BBS: This is an old Commodore 64 based BBS that I created on back in the late 80's. Basic/6510 assembler.C encog-c 112 39 The Encog project for C/C++C# encog-dotnet-core 431 151 encog-dotnet-more-examples 43 25 This project will contain additional examples for Encog, beyond the console examples provided with Encog. These examples are primarily Winforms GUI applications, and may make use of third party libraries other than Encog. encog-sample-csharp 28 18 A sample application for Encog C#. ga-csharp 8 5 A simple C# Genetic AlgorithmCSS jh_public 0 1 Just a place for me to drop public files for peopleDockerfile docker-stylegan2-ada 39 13 My Docker image for running Stylegan2 ADA with GPU docker-stylegan3 4 1 Docker image to run StyleGAN3 with GPU baseenv-jupyter 2 1 Basic Docker environment for Jupyter and Python docker-mergelife 1 0 Docker image for MergeLifeHTML 10 3 The AIFH website. data-mirror 2 2 A mirror of some of the files at data.heatonresearch.comJava aifh 947 426 Artificial Intelligence for Humans encog-java-core 745 268 encog-java-examples 161 110 jeffheaton-book-code 92 127 Source code from my older (pre Artificial Intelligence for Humans books) books. I am no longer updating these older editions. encog-java-workbench 60 43 encog-sample-java 15 10 Sample stand-alone Encog project phd-dissertation 10 3 Dissertation (Jeff Heaton) jlatexmath-example 6 2 A simple example of using JLatexMath jna-example 3 2 Simple Java JNA example with a Maven build script.JavaScript encog-javascript 196 38 Encog for Javascript.Jupyter Notebook t81_558_deep_learning 5,740 3,033 T81-558: Keras - Applications of Deep Neural Networks @Washington University in St. Louis app_deep_learning 417 160 T81-558: PyTorch - Applications of Deep Neural Networks @Washington University in St. Louis app_generative_ai 134 50 T81-559: Applications of Generative Artificial Intelligence pretrained-gan-70s-scifi 53 15 Pretrained model 1024x1024 trained on 1970s scifi art pretrained-gan-minecraft 44 7 Minecraft GAN pretrained-gan-fish 26 6 Pretrained model for fish, 256x256 stylegan2-toys 18 7 Various projects that I've worked on for special effects in StyleGAN2. pretrained-merry-gan-mas 13 3 docker-jupyter-python-r 12 2 Jupyter notebook with Python and R. cabi_genai_automation 10 3 Introduction to Automation with LangChain, Generative AI, and Python pretrained-gan-tech 9 0 Technology GAN tf-intro 7 3 test-linking 0 2 Perl proben1 11 10 A copy of the datasets for PROBEN1 from the paper "Proben1: A Set of Neural Network Benchmark Problems and Benchmarking Rules", Lutz PrecheltPython jh-kaggle-util 280 116 Jeff Heaton's Kaggle Utilities pyimgdata 113 36 mergelife 78 17 Evolve complex cellular automata with a genetic algorithm. papers 30 17 Repository to hold source code related to academic papers I've published. article-code 24 17 dynaface 4 1 Dynaface is both a computer application and Python library to measure facial symmetry utilizing advanced AI for both symmetric and asymmetric faces. ami-jenkins-build-linux 1 0 The AMI that I use in Jenkins for most of my Python and Docker builds that can be done in LinuxSwift ios_video_classify 11 0 A simple IOS application that uses mobilenet to classify 1000 different images from an IOS device's video camera.