Jessica Kerr jessitron@gmail.comSymmathecist 605 39 183 404 68 No Language git-happens 4 5 Everyone knows that git happens. Might as well run with it.CSS microgrammar-gui 1 0 A GUI for experimenting with microgrammarsClojure microlib 18 0 Importer program for microlibraries. Bring in the libbits! contracts-as-types-examples 4 0 examples I intend to use in my talk about Prismatic Schema slack-reader 4 0 Read messages from slack channels for analysis. schematron 3 0 expanding on prismatic schema slack-client 1 0 Represents a Clojure client for Slack, hypothetically. Purpose is to demonstrate diamond project structureDockerfile alloy-catchupto 1 1 In which I try to make an Alloy modelElm elm-sydron 52 3 a first elm app. Hits the github API for events for a hard-coded repository. elm-sample 24 3 A starting point for Elm applications elm-http-with-headers 3 3 just one additional parameter+return to elm-http's get operation. scapeland 2 0 the next version of landscape. Experimenting with elm style elm-at-codemesh 1 0 Demo application in talk tutorial-with-editors 1 0 impl elm tutorial bits yow-brisbane 1 0 Demo application from YOW! Brisbane 2016 yow-sydney 1 0 Demo application from YOW! Sydney 2016Erlang qconsf-22 4 3 OpenTelemetry WorkshopF# FSharpPatternMatchingExamples 5 0 F# Scripts demonstrating pattern matchingHTML elm-param-parsing 11 10 kats 4 0 Notes and references from my talk at Kats Conf beerandbadminton 0 1 more old-school landing pageJava fp4ood 17 3 Functional Principles For OO Development - presentations and sample code TelephoneGame 4 2 Let's play with speech recognition. cat-diary 3 0 A journal app for cats, yeah otel-java 2 0 Tronsmit 2 0 Android application to send the last picture taken to a configured contact horseguards 0 1 a sample java spring boot app for testing purposesJavaScript elm-hello-wrold 5 0 js-with-scalacheck 4 0 Property-based testing my JavaScript... without writing any extra JavaScript! liev-server 2 0 This is a typo of live-server, in case someone accidentally runs "npx live-server" min-otel 2 0 Attempt to package up the otel for the browser name-this-cat 2 0 demo of command injection hny-otel-web 1 2 nonlinear-dynamics-course 1 0 For a challenge, do the homework in TypeScript otel-nodejs 1 0 Fibonacci Microservice in node babynode 0 1 simplest thing to show span construction clean-code-cat-diary 0 1 Some examples of scary code that we can clean up.Python otel-python 1 1 A small microservice to demonstrate OpenTelemetry tracesRuby fp4rd 106 8 Functional Principles for the Ruby Developer aqueductron 19 1 dataflow in Ruby generatron 19 0 Ruby gem for random-data-generators you can build upon venn 4 1 Some sample code for Generative testing in Ruby gerald 3 0 Ruby implementation of abstracted summarization with Geralds 1 0 personal web siteScala scalacheck-prisoners-dilemma 16 3 Examples for "Property Based Testing for Better Code" bison 11 1 When Code Reacts to Data: demonstrating a dataflow programming style with scalaz-streams bittygame 3 1 Sample program for workshop on property-based testing kats-parser 2 0 Elm parser + Rug language extension, developed in live demo scalaLiveLessons 1 0 Scala LiveLessons sample code velocli 1 0 I just want to apply a velocity template from a command line. Just one. Please.Shell elm-template 8 2 editors for elm code evil-commit-hook 1 0 This is terrible, don't do this to your teammates vscode-dotfiles 1 0 try to get vscode to set up my containers usefullyTypeScript elm-rugs 9 6 Generators and Editors for use with Rug (deprecated - look for SDM instead!) hny-art-node 1 0 honeycomb-opentelemetry-web 1 0 Honeycomb's Distro for OpenTelemetry in the browser opentelemetry-demo 1 0 OpenTelemetry Community Demo Application otel-pg 1 0 A sample app that shows tracing through to Postgres trace-from-outside 1 1 figure out how to continue a trace that came in from outside, manually, in Node tree-parser-gui 1 2 It is a sad hobbled-together react app but it is mine virtual-event-starter-kit 1 0 explore-deps 0 1 Explore the npm dependencies of your package in a text-based dungeon crawl meminator 0 1 Example app for Be Your Own SRE