Jose Luis Rodriguez WashU MBA | Finance | Data Science 42 4 31 89 48 No Language data-mining 7 2 Theory and practice of extremely large information storage (warehousing) and analysis (mining) mechanisms.C Computer-Systems 1 8 Understanding of the hierarchy of abstractions and implementations that comprise a modern computer system. Topics that affect the performance, correctness, or utility of user-level programs. C++ data-structures 3 1 Data structures concepts of data abstraction and data structure, including stacks, queues, lists, sets, and trees.HTML hurricanesandy 1 1 This research aims to identify patterns in the stock price of top publicly traded companies in New Jersey in 2013 and the series of events and weather forecast predictions before and after Hurricane Sandy.Java microservice 11 7 Netflix Open Source Software + Spring Boot Web Application facility 1 3 Facility Management System Web Application - Spring Framework oop 0 1 Object-orientation continues to be a dominant approach to software development. In this programming-intensive course we studied the use of classes and objects with an emphasis on collaboration among objects.JavaScript node-app 0 1 Distributed System - MEAN (Mongo, Express, -Angular, Node)Jupyter Notebook flashcrash 2 0 Financial markets around the world are increasingly dependable on automated systems it is worth to spend some time analysis the market depth data of the weeks leading to and the day of May 6, 2010 to have a better understanding of market behavior during this high volatility periods High-Performance-Computing 1 0 Analyze the scalability and efficiency of parallel algorithms and applications. Implement a distributed memory parallel program using MPI as well as shared memory parallel program using threads. financial-ratios 0 2 Taxonomy of Financial RatiosPython uspto 10 2 Package to parse and analyze trademark data from the United States Patent and Trademark Office fixtools 1 1 Package to work and analyze FIX 5.0 SP2 financial data algorithms 0 1 Algorithms and ComplexitySAS SAS-Programming 44 15 SAS programming including extensive data-set manipulations,multidimensional arrays, SAS functions.Visual Basic FPGA-volatility 7 3 The goal of this project is to implement a binomial model to calculate options on futures implied volatility using Cox–Ross–Rubinstein (CRR) procedure.