Joshua Ulrich 675 20 69 1,668 526 No Language sarsaparilla 1 0 Stuff I want to shareC colorout 1 0 Colorize R output in terminal emulatorsC++ Rblpapi 3 0 R package interfacing the Bloomberg API from QuantLib 1 0 The QuantLib C++ libraryHTML stl-rug 11 6 Content presented at the Saint Louis R User Group rfinanceconference 4 4 Files from the old R/Finance conference websiteJava Code 1 0 Golub, Glattfelder and Olsen, ''The Alpha Engine: Designing an Automated Trading Algorithm'' R quantmod 841 226 Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework TTR 338 103 Technical analysis and other functions to construct technical trading rules with R xts 221 71 Extensible time series class that provides uniform handling of many R time series classes by extending zoo. microbenchmark 97 24 Infrastructure to accurately measure and compare the execution time of R expressions IBrokers 70 54 R API to Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation lspm 20 16 R implementation of Ralph Vince's Leverage Space Portfolio Model rfimport 15 2 getSymbols() reboot xtsExtra 14 3 Supplementary xts functionality, and development platform for GSoC projects freddy-mcfredface 10 1 All FRED series IDs and descriptions fosstrading 5 0 greeks 2 3 Basic tools for option contract manipulation and visualization in R ftblog 1 0 Code and data used in FOSS Trading blog posts nxtime 1 0 Nanosecond Resolution Extensible S3 Datetimes pack 1 2 Convert R objects to/from various binary formats Defaults 0 2 R package to set, get, and import global function defaults doRedis 0 1 R/foreach Redis backend for parallel computing hydroTSM 0 1 Time Series Management, Analysis and Interpolation for Hydrological Modelling opentick 0 1 OPENTICK SERVICE NO LONGER EXISTS! Native R interface to opentick real time and historical market data tmp-ecfun 0 1 xtime 0 1 Universal time class handling using ISO8601 formating conventionsShell settings-configs 6 1 Shell and application settings and configurations rchk-docker 4 2 Docker for rchk r-travis 0 1 Tools for using R with Travis ( -- see this page for more