Jason Charney http://www.jrcharney.com/ jrcharney@gmail.comWeb Developer. I sometimes hang out at T-REX in St. Louis. Buy me a Coffee! http://ko-fi.com/jrcharney 30 3 116 143 23 No Language taskwarrior-themes 3 1 Righting a wrong that the GothenburgBitFactory forgot to fix kang 2 0 A Linux from Scratch distro for Raspberry Pi users and eventually anyone else who wants to make Linux awesome minecraft-stlouis 1 1 That's a nice Arch! FFFFFZZZZZZZ!!!!! PenPad 0 1 A Codepen/JSFiddle app that is COMPLETELY offline.Java coding-events 0 1 Thymeleaf demonstrationJavaScript cloudburst 1 0 Command Line Weather dive 0 1 Project for #build4stl during National Day of Civic Hacking 2014PHP CodeBandit 0 1 NodeJS Fork of CodeIgniterRuby getlsxlsr 1 0 Gathers Local Storm Reports in a textual table. Initially set to get them from the National Weather Service office in St. Louis. Thunderstone 1 0 Get multiple local storm reports and weather advisories from the National Weather Service (formerly getlsrlsx)Shell ArchWSLPlusPlus 94 12 rigel 10 1 What Kang and Kodos have in common hacktop 8 2 Everything Hacktops plushes 5 0 PLUSHES (Power Linux User SHEll Scripts): Stuff you should be using windowsist 5 0 Software Repo and Wiki for Linux Users who Need to Use Windows scragur 4 0 Scrape Imgur galleries linuxist 2 0 Instructions for Installing Ubuntu Linux with emphasis for Windows Users lunarize 2 0 A theme for people who want to see the damn screen! hacktop-game 1 0 Repo for Hacktop: The Game for GGJ15 kodos 1 1 A Linux From Scratch distro for Odroid users and eventually anyone else who wants to make Linux awesomeTypeScript java-web-dev-techjobs-oo 1 0 Assignment for Java Web Development ScintillatiNG 1 0 Weather Maps and NotificationsVimL ScrollColors 0 1 Colorsheme Scroller, Chooser, and Browser