Justin Buchanan http://www.justinbuchanan.com Developer, Architect, DIY-er, random other stuff. 11 6 31 66 20 C mod_auth_pubtkt 1 0 An experimental fork of mod_auth_pubtktC# Justin.AspNetCore.LdapAuthentication 57 19 LDAP based password authentication for ASP.NET Identity dotnet_mod_auth_pubtkt 1 0 ASP.NET Core Web Application for Issuing mod_auth_pubtkt Tokens SignUp 1 0 Event sign up and self-service Household information update for Planning Center People (PCO).JavaScript jquery-ajaxq 1 0 Simple message queue for jQuery.ajax() knockroute 1 0 KnockRoute provides a URL router based template binding for building SPAs with KnockoutPHP roundcube-application_passwords 2 1 Roundcube plugin to manage application-specific passsords. twofactor_gauthenticator 2 0 This RoundCube plugin adds the Google 2-steps verification to the login proccess.