Andy Leverenz andy@justalever.comDesign + Code. Building stuff makes me happy. 613 8 86 1,262 573 No Language pay 1 0 A subscription engine for Ruby on Rails. react-fundamentals-curriculum 0 1 Curriculum for React.js Program's "React Fundamentals" courseCSS graphql_fun_frontend_demo 3 3 Part 2 of How to use GraphQL with Ruby on Rails diy_dropdowns 2 2 DIY Dropdown Demo local-storage-comments 2 3 A quick example of local storage with JavaScript web-crunch-html-to-wp-start 2 3 The free HTML theme available to download and follow along as we convert it to a WordPress theme. Gutenberg 1 0 A meaningful web typography starter kit. web-crunch-html-to-wp-end 1 1 The final WordPress theme as well as data available for import. Follow along with the tutorials to build the same theme from scratch. dillinger 0 1 The last Markdown editor, ever.HTML tumblrboilerplate 334 35 Tumblr Boiler Plate Theme kickoff_tailwind 281 86 A rapid Rails 6 application template for personal use bundled with Tailwind CSS kickoff 43 38 A Ruby on Rails Application starter template for screencasts featured on tumbleplate 35 6 The official boilerplate for tumblr theme development. tailwind-airbnb 30 10 A demo of how to build Airbnb's home page using Tailwind CSS tailwind-production-landing-page 15 10 A landing page inspired by a free template from rebuilt with Tailwind CSS. WDDFoundationForEmailsGuide 4 1 A code base to help guide anyone looking to build responsive emails using the Foundation for Emails framework. csscrashcourse 3 1 A CSS crash course brought to you by protumblrtheming 3 2 Source code for the accompanying eBook titled Pro Tumblr Theming from htmlcrashcourse 1 0 Crash course for new coders who want to learn HTML jumpstart 0 2 Easily jumpstart a new Rails application with a bunch of great features by defaultJavaScript recordstore 64 35 A Vue.js front-end paired with a Ruby on Rails API-based backend tailwind-navbar 55 21 A completely responsive CSS-only navbar using Tailwind CSS workout_tracker 12 4 A demo multitenancy workout app built with Ruby on Rails for a tutorial on gulpTutorial 3 4 This repo is for a quick tutorial on how I utilize Gulp.js in a basic project. PHP wordpress-snippets 3 1 A collection of code snippets I reuse all the time endlyssdesigns 2 2 A website for Endlyss Designs built on top of the Kirby CMS using Gulp, Sass, and YarnRuby job_board 46 22 An Ruby on Rails based job board application based on a screencast for drag_and_drop_active_storage 44 10 A demo drag and drop image upldate Ruby on Rails app using Stimulus.js, DropZone.js, and ActiveStorage projekt 41 29 A demo project management app twittter 36 46 Twittter - A tutorial of how to clone some features of Twitter using Ruby on Rails demo_blog_rails 28 62 A demo of how to build a basic blog using Ruby on Rails dribbble_clone 25 15 A demo of how to build a Dribbble clone using Ruby on Rails flanger 24 33 A new series featuring an eCommerce based Let's Build using Ruby on Rails consultly 21 21 A demo Rails app built around the concept of consultancies and scheduling events. book_library 18 16 A SaaS based demo app revolving around book downloads and stripe subscriptions back-my-idea 16 9 A Ruby on Rails marketplace application which leverages Stripe Connect railsdevs_public 15 4 A ruby on rails application I'm building in public for Ruby and Rails developers discussions 8 18 A demo forum rails app for a tutorial on my YouTube channel graphql_fun 8 1 Part 1 of How to use GraphQL with Ruby on Rails trade_app 5 4 devise_sign_in_with_twitter 4 0 A tutorial on signing in with Twitter using Ruby on Rails, Devise, and Omniauth email_subscriptions_demo 4 0 An basic email subscription workflow for a Ruby on Rails app install_tailwindcss_on_ror 4 0 A short guide on adding Tailwind CSS to Ruby on Rails scaffold_templates_example 3 2 A example Ruby on Rails app that showcases custom scaffold templates foodlog 2 0 This Ruby on Rails application is part of a crash course published on Traversy Media authored by Andy Leverenz of @webcrunchblog creator of and the course Hello Rails. install_tailwindcss_2_ror 2 0 band_api 1 0 A basic API example book_library_demo 1 2 demo_app 1 1 Ruby on Rails Tutorial demo application demo_slackclone 1 1 devise_confirmable_example 1 2 Let's Build: With Ruby on Rails - Extending Devise - Confirmation Emails devise_username_or_email 1 0 dynamic_errors 1 0 A quick demo of how to add custom error pages to Ruby on Rails meta-tags 1 1 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Ruby on Rails applications. action_cable_chat_app 0 2 The chat app for Learn Enough Action Cable to Be Dangerous