Jacob Wasilkowski https://petrichor.studio/ Geospatial software developer focused on web mapping, data visualization, and remote sensing. 196 10 20 302 90 HTML esri-experiments 28 5 Fly in space and look across the sea: demos and experiments with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript esri-svelte-basemaps-example 5 2 An example Svelte application that shows how to use esri-loader to create a custom <EsriMapView> component. esri-riot-example 1 0 An example Riot application that shows how to use esri-loader to create a custom <esri-map-view> component.JavaScript Leaflet.Canvas-Flowmap-Layer 143 36 A LeafletJS custom map layer for mapping the flow of objects, ideas, people, etc. with Bezier curves rendered on the HTML canvas. leaflet-experiments 20 7 Demos and experiments with LeafletJS ionic-esri-map 11 6 An Ionic app demonstrating how to use the Esri ArcGIS API for JavaScript. angular-esri-playground 10 3 A demo and playground for working with both AngularJS 1.x and the Esri ArcGIS API for JavaScript. iss-tracker-map 8 0 Use this web map to find out where the International Space Station (ISS) is and view nearby astronaut photography. esri-jsapi-and-angular-whats-next-dev-summit-2016 5 2 Dev Summit 2016 Presentation "ArcGIS API for JavaScript and AngularJS: What's New, What's Next" esri-hyperapp-example 4 2 An example Hyperapp application that shows how to use esri-loader to create a custom map view and component. pixels 3 1 Mapping and charting pixels from remote sensing Earth observation data with JavaScript. esri-choo-example 2 1 An example Choo application that shows how to use esri-loader to create a custom map view. Leaflet.ParallaxMarker 2 1 ds2021-building-web-apps-with-open-source-mapping-apis 1 1 Esri International Developer Summit 2021: "Building Web Apps with Open Source Mapping APIs" ds2021-working-with-location-services-with-arcgis-rest-js 1 0 Esri International Developer Summit 2021: "Working with Location Services with ArcGIS REST JS" faroe-islands-whaling 1 3 Mapping whale hunting in the Faroe Islands with the ArcGIS API for JavaScriptPython choropleth-hillshade 27 9 Generates a hill-shaded raster surface for thematic choropleth maps using an ArcGIS Python toolbox.TypeScript angular2-esri-playground 30 11 Angular 2 & Esri 4