Keith Lohse 44 0 39 59 35 No Language SCORE_test_batteries 1 1 Behavioral and neuroimaging batteries recommended by the ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Consortium ( Inlcuding macro-enabled Excels for easy data collection and export.HTML mixed_effects_models 15 3 Resources for creating mixed-effects models as analogues for ANOVA and for truly longitudinal models.Jupyter Notebook spectral_slopes_reliability 3 2 Dataset and code for comparing different methods of estimating the slope of the EEG power spectrum at rest and during a motor task.R LMER_Clinical_Science 19 14 Linear Mixed Effect Regression for Clinical Scientists ReproRehab 6 7 R programming exercises for learners enrolled in ReproRehab LMER_v_RM_ANOVA 4 1 Comparison of linear mixed-effect regression to repeated-measures analysis of variance for dealing with longitudinal data difficulty_EEG 3 1 Motor learning study in which participants had self-control of difficulty during practice. The study is devided into analyses focus on learning and analyses focused on participants behavior during practice. cat_learn 2 0 Category Learning Experiment and Simulations grad_stats 2 0 Resources for teaching fundamentals of statistics using the general linear model. spectral_slopes_aging 2 0 Data and script for pilot study of EEG power spectrum in younger and older adults. power_reliability 1 0 Effects of reliability on statistical power for simple designs SCOAR 1 3 dose_meta 0 1 Meta-analysis of dose and timing of stroke rehabilitation based on the SCOAR database power_simulations 0 1 Various statistical power simulations that I have written. useRatio_validityStudy 0 1 Analysis code from our study on the concurrent validity of the Use Ratio compared to the ARAT and FM UE in adults with stroke. Data are available from NICHD DASH; see doi:10.1101/2024.08.15.24312066..