David Lynch https://davidlynch.org/ kemayo@gmail.com 247 27 124 4,143 879 No Language FreshRSS 2 0 A free, self-hostable aggregator… obsidian-releases 1 0 Community plugins list, theme list, and releases of Obsidian. package_control_channel 1 0 The default channel file for the sublime Plugin Control plugin manager. Fork, add your repository and send a pull request. vue-editor-trash 1 1 Playing with a Vue-based contentediable editor to teach myself things cdnjs 0 1 The best FOSS web front-end resource CDN maintained by @PeterDaveHello @ryankirkman @thomasdavisApacheConf vagrant-skeleton 1 0 The vagrant skeleton I useCoffeeScript hubot-phabricator 10 5 Hubot plugin to expand on phabricator object names fuzzy-finder 1 0 Find and open files quickly hubot-deviantart 1 0 A hubot script adding deviantart searchHTML davidlynch.org 14 8 My website colorclock 2 0 A clock whose colors depend on the time vue-visualeditor-example 1 1 Test project wrapping VisualEditor into a vue component and using itJavaScript maphilight 492 275 jQuery plugin that adds highlighting to image maps firefox-sticky-containers 13 13 Firefox extention to make the current container "sticky" when opening a new tab diveintopython3 4 0 [Mirror] Dive Into Python 3 online book diveintohtml5 2 1 Dive Into HTML5 online book wmd 2 0 Stack Overflow branch of WMD. ace 1 0 Ajax.org Cloud9 Editor dilbert 1 0 Javascript viewer for Dilbert emojilib 1 0 Emoji keyword library. grunt-css-url-embed 1 0 Embed URL's as base64 strings inside your stylesheets unobtrusive-sudoku 1 0 Simple Javascript sudoku requiring no in-page markupLua wow-silverdragon 24 12 World of Warcraft addon to find rare mobs wow-simpleitemlevel 15 2 World of Warcraft addon to show item levels wow-dropthecheapestthing 7 4 World of Warcraft addon to drop/sell the cheapest thing you're carrying wow-handynotes-dragonflight 7 3 World of Warcraft addon to tell you where treasures are in the Dragon Isles (requires HandyNotes) wow-handynotes-shadowlandstreasures 7 4 World of Warcraft addon to tell you where treasures are in Shadowlands (requires HandyNotes) wow-appearancetooltip 6 2 World of Warcraft addon: fancy tooltip for previewing item appearances wow-handynotes-legiontreasures 6 3 World of Warcraft addon to tell you where treasures are in Legion (requires HandyNotes) wow-questpointer 6 0 World of Warcraft addon to point at quests wow-handynotes-battleforazerothtreasures 5 6 World of Warcraft addon to tell you where treasures are in Battle for Azeroth (requires HandyNotes) wow-handynotes-warwithin 5 3 World of Warcraft addon to tell you where treasures are in the War Within expansion (requires HandyNotes) wow-minimaprangeextender 5 0 World of Warcraft addon to show minimap vignette icons sooner wow-haveidonethat 4 0 World of Warcraft addon to tell you about what you've done and suggest what you might want to do next wow-bankstack 3 3 World of Warcraft addon to move items around in your inventory, bank, and guild bank wow-questschanged 3 2 World of Warcraft addon for developers to log quest completion changes wow-whatsonthemap 3 1 World of Warcraft addon that shows a simple list of currently visible map vignettes idTip 2 0 WoW Addon: Adds IDs to the ingame tooltips. wow-doesmyaltknowthat 2 0 World of Warcraft addon to tell you about what your alts know wow-handyminimaparrow 2 0 World of Warcraft addon that layers an arrow onto the minimap higher up than anything else wow-handynotes-burningcrusade 2 0 World of Warcraft addon to tell you where treasures are in the Burning Crusade (requires HandyNotes) wow-handynotes-longforgottenhippogryph 2 0 WoW addon: Handynotes plugin for the Long Forgotten Hippogryph wow-handynotes-lostandfound 2 1 World of Warcraft addon to help you find the Lost and Found treasures in Pandaria wow-handynotes-secretfish 2 1 World of Warcraft addon: where the secret fish are for the Secret Fish and Where to Find Them achievement wow-handynotes-stygia 2 2 World of Warcraft addon to tell you where Stygia gathering nodes are in the Maw (requires HandyNotes) handynotes-kosumoth 1 0 World of Warcraft addon to tell you where Kosumoth is in Legion (requires HandyNotes) instantiation 1 0 WoW Addon - Instance maps wow-delverview 1 0 World of Warcraft addon to show delves on the continent map wow-handynotes-directions 1 0 World of Warcraft addon to remember directions you're given (requires HandyNotes) wow-handynotes-elitebattlepets 1 0 WoW addon: Handynotes plugin for the Tanaan Jungle elite battle pets wow-handynotes-higherdimensionallearning 1 0 WoW addon: Handynotes plugin for Higher Dimensional Leaning wow-handynotes-lorewalkers 1 1 World of Warcraft addon to help you find the Lorewalkers tablets in Pandaria wow-handynotes-suramarleylines 1 0 WoW addon: Handynotes plugin for suramar leylines wow-handynotes-suramartelemancy 1 0 WoW addon: Handynotes plugin for suramar portals wow-handynotes-treasurehunter 1 1 World of Warcraft addon to tell you where treasures are (requires HandyNotes) wow-handynotes-witheredarmytraining 1 0 WoW addon: Handynotes plugin for withered army training wow-handynotes-wrath 1 1 World of Warcraft addon to tell you where things are in Northrend (requires HandyNotes) wow-lib-appropriateitems 1 0 World of Warcraft addon library: tells you which item classes are appropriate for each class wow-myinterrupt 1 0 World of Warcraft addon: shows you when you / your pet successfully interrupts something wow-objectscanner 1 0 World of Warcraft addon: Watch tooltip updates to announce when you find specific objects wow-serverrestartsound 1 0 World of Warcraft addon to make a noise when the server's about to restart wow-textureviewer 1 0 World of Warcraft addon to view in-game textures (developer tool) wow-handynotes-handler 0 1 Just the handler component for my handynotes addons, for use as a submodulePHP wp-rss-importer 19 11 simplecomic 11 1 Lightweight online comic publishing system, for the webcomic artist who just wants to put up comics wp-disqus-importer 10 5 Import a Disqus XML export into WordPress downer 3 1 token-based download managerPerl irssi-pushover 5 2 Pushover.net plugin for irssiPython sublime-text-git 2,823 390 Plugin for some git integration into sublime text sublime-text-2-clipboard-history 188 29 Clipboard history plugin for Sublime Text 2 leech 159 26 Turn a story on certain websites into an ebook for convenient reading sublime-text-2-goto-documentation 128 37 Sublime Text 2 plugin to go to documentation google-webfonts-lister 11 2 Download a complete list of google webfonts deviantart_backup 9 2 Backup script for DeviantArt gedit-smarthome 8 0 Enable smart HOME/END behavior for gedit lj.py 7 2 Sometimes you want to have API access to angsty teenagers under Python. This lets you do that. May God have mercy upon your soul. sublime-text-exclude-paths 4 1 Exclude paths from project / search indexing contwext 3 0 Fetch a Twitter feed and guess context waup 3 0 An updater for World of Warcraft addons hosted on wowace.com actions-recent-changelog 2 3 A GitHub Action for generating a "recent changes" file from a large manually-curated changelog armory 2 0 Python module for accessing the World of Warcraft armory calibre 2 1 The official source code repository for the calibre ebook manager dice 2 0 Roll dice, and get information about the probabilities of the roll jenny 2 0 Size calculation for blocking/non-blocking JS/CSS on a page akismet 1 0 Python module to interact with akismet longurl 1 0 Tiny Python module for expanding shortened URLs tiny 1 0 I wrote a tinyurl cgi script once tracker 1 0 Quick remote-data-tracker scriptRuby jekyll 1 0 Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby jekyll-plugins 1 0 A collection of Jekyll plugins and generators that I've written for recursive-design.comShell ack-tmbundle 12 3 "Ack in Project" TextMate bundle web-minify-helper 1 0 Help web developer to make their js & css files minified easily!Swift loosephabric 1 1 Specialized macOS menubar utility to turn copied text into linksTypeScript obsidian-smart-links 30 4