Zhihao Yuan https://blog.miator.net/ lichray@gmail.com武侦宪章第9条——应展翅世界。不分人种、国籍共同战斗。 196 41 80 244 54 C nvi2 98 23 A multibyte fork of the nvi editor for BSD wavplay 19 5 A C library to play wave audio files sfio 10 5 The Sfio library from AT&T Labs (mirror with limited history)C++ deferxx 26 1 A Go's defer-like syntax scope guard idiom in C++11 formatxx 21 1 Printf for C++ bitvector 15 2 A dynamic version of std::bitset xformat 9 0 Multi-syntax printf mpiex 6 0 std::future-powered MPI non-blocking operations randint 6 2 std::rand replacement for C++ libcxx 4 0 Implemention of my fragmentary standard library changes xrangexx 4 0 Python xrange in C++11 httpverbs 3 0 A libcurl-based HTTP client library in C++ macrofree-demo 3 0 Demo for the CppCon 2019 talk "Are We Macro-free Yet?" oneof 3 0 A variant of C++ variant stdsignature 3 0 A non-owning std::function ucsh 2 0 An unconfigurable csh-like UNIX shell Errol 1 0 Binary floating-point to decimal string conversion algorithm. LWG 1 0 Home of the official Library Working Group issues list mmq 1 0 Multi-producer multi-consumer queue library in C++11 randutils 1 0 Melissa O'Neill's randutils.hpp stdformat 1 0 std::experimental::format - C++ string formatting traits_adaptors 1 0 C++ traits adaptors yasc 1 0 Yet Another SQL CompilerHTML lichray.github.io 1 0 Python cloudbackup-updater 1 0 moecache 1 3 A memcached client with a different shading strategy. py-sysload 1 0 A simple uptime, cpu, mem, swap getter for Unix-like systems zendesk_notify 1 0 Desktop notification for Zendesk tickets dotlock 0 2 Cross-process locking marconi 0 10 Message Bus for OpenStack