Mitchell Skaggs skaggsm333@gmail.comGrad student at MS&T @sendecomp, writing Minecraft mods, worked on apps at @Pattonville-App-Development-Team and robots at @Pattonville-Robotics 46 11 140 125 43 No Language lithium-fabric 0 1 A Fabric mod designed to improve the general performance of Minecraft without breaking things magneticflux- 0 1 Java fabric-diagonal-panes 7 0 Diagonal glass panes in Minecraft jvm-shared-memory 7 0 Shared memory access in the JVM java-mumble-link 5 0 MumbleLink Java API dynmap-fabric 4 0 Dynmap mod for Fabric AccurateBlockPlacement 1 0 A fabicmc Minecraft mod which causes players to place a blocks based on what they are looking at rather than a timer. JNSGA-II 1 2 An "easy-to-use" Java library for performing and visualizing multi-objective optimization problems using the NSGA-II algorithm. UniversalGraves 1 0 Grave mod for Fabric! classpath-resource-extractor 0 1 MinesweeperJ 0 2 An AI-oriented implementation of Minesweeper, using TDD SpeedCarts 0 7 Minecraft mod to increase minecart speeds.Kotlin fabric-mumblelink-mod 52 13 A Fabric mod that connects to the MumbleLink plugin. fabric-tree-chopper 15 9 ortools-java 15 3 kotlin-livedata-utils 9 1 Kotlin LiveData Utils kotlin-simplexml-rss 3 3 A Kotlin extension of SimpleXML for parsing any RSS feed fabric-start-the-music 2 0 gradle-native-jna-example 1 0 An example project showing a JNA application built with Gradle Native plugins jetpack-compose-optics 1 0 An experiment in functional reactive programming on the Jetpack Compose UI frameworkScala canvas-grade-data-uploader 1 0 A small application to read PDF files, parse their comments, assign a grade, and upload the comments to Canvas.