Mario Aquino 64 61 40 48 16 No Language LOLcode.tmbundle 1 2 LOLcode TextMate bundleClojure textmate-clojure 1 0 TextMate bundle for ClojureCoffeeScript hubot-timetracker 1 0 Simple story/time tracker for hubotJava flickr 2 0 Source code for the flickr browser code example demonstrated in the Monkeybars screencastJavaScript gol-javascript 3 2 Conway's Game of Life (in JavaScript) example-nodejs-project 1 1 An example project to show the way I'm testing node.js showoff 1 0 the best damn presentation software a developer could ever love trackbux 1 0 Budget tracking for mobile devicesObjective-C budgetminder 3 2 Dashboard widget for tracking a monthly expenses budget GrowlCode 3 1 GrowlCode adds Growl support to Apple's Xcode development environment.Ruby railsmacro 6 2 JEdit macro for navigating between related files in a Rails project vending 4 0 Lambda Lounge Vending Machine Clojure-tmbundle 2 0 A bundle rescued from stephenroller / clojure-tmbundle google-spreadsheet-ruby 2 0 Ruby library to read/write Google Spreadsheet pomodori 2 0 Little widget for your daily pomodoro practice BSA-Computer-Badge 1 0 Project for BSA to earn the computer merit badge BSA-Computer-Badge-Slides 1 0 Slides for BSA Computer Badge clinic calculator_kata 1 0 My Calculator Kata gol-coffeescript 1 0 Conway's Game of Life in CoffeeScript gol-ruby 1 0 Conway's Game of Life in Ruby hello-coffeescript 1 0 Dead simple coffeescript from rails toy shoulda-matchers 1 0 Collection of testing matchers extracted from Shoulda sinatra-gen 1 1 Rubigen based generator for new sinatra projects SiriProxy 1 0 A (tampering) proxy server for Apple's Siri stlmobiledev-mobileappframeworks 1 0 Phonegap vs. Titanium for Mobile App development presentationVimL vim-dot-files 3 2 Vim dot files janus 2 3 A MacVim Distro