Mark Sands 168 54 75 1,960 120 No Language MovieSwiftUI 1 0 SwiftUI & Combine app using MovieDB API. With a custom Flux (Redux) implementation.C Themepark 1 0 CS 482 assignmentC++ minheap 4 0 An implementation of a Min Heap using a Heap abstract class as an interface crossword-puzzle-utility 3 1 Crossword Puzzle Utility CS425-IP1 2 0 fore-and-aft 2 0 fore and aft puzzle asteroids 1 1 CS482 Assignment 1 (For Mac) cocos2d-x 1 0 Port of cocos2d-iphone in C++HTML 1 0 JavaScript markview 13 3 A markdown viewer that renders on the fly. Comet.js 5 0 defunkt's FaceBox meets jeresig's jQueryProfiler mootools-facebox 2 1 Facebook-style lightbox, built in jQuery. Modified from defunkt/facebox using new styles from Nitro-To-Do 1 0 Basic To-Do list app in Nitrogen WWT-Creator 1 0 Wordpress plugin to create virtual WorldWide Telescope toursObjective-C MSTextView 56 8 URL aware TextView for iOS Aviator 29 6 Xcode plugin that brings ⇧⌘T from AppCode over to Xcode UITextViewLinkOptions 24 3 Open urls in a UITextView either in a custom webView or Safari iOSHeaders 20 3 NSAttributedString-Builder 5 1 See Blog Post: MSSoundEngine 3 0 Balto - basic AL toolkit using OpenAL CommunicationPatterns 2 1 Example of iOS communication patterns using Reachability iPontra 2 1 An iPhone clone of the 'gnop' flash game. JustTweet-Lite 2 0 iPhone application for just posting to Twitter (doesn't read back the feeds). Now with XAuth Support! PDSView 1 1 Cocoa application for viewing PDS formatted astronomical data ShowOffPad 1 1 ShowOff Presenter on the iPad Twitter-OAuth-iPhone 1 0 An easy way to get Twitter authenticating with OAuth on iPhone Zinc-ObjC 1 0 Objective-C client for Zinc asset distribution system NativeAppSample 0 1 Python PyPDS 1 1 PyPDS is a Python interface to Planetary Data System (PDS) data products. simpyl_pastebin 1 1 A simple python pastebinRuby shurl 4 0 shortest url shortener. evarr. converter 2 1 Converts numbers from decimal form to sexagesimal. scanty 2 2 The blog that's almost nothing flair 1 0 A little language that compiles into CSS. mapreduce 1 0 simple Mini 1 0 Mini is a JavaScript/CSS packer that runs on top of YUICompressor. Same functionality, better face. pjson-rb 1 0 pretty print json in your terminal poundpay-ruby 1 0 Ruby client library for PoundPay Rails-Templates 1 0 Generator templates I use for creating new rails applications. rails_wizard 1 0 The gem and recipe collection for RailsWizard ruby-crowdflower 1 1 A toolkit for interacting with CrowdFlower via the REST API table_builder 1 0 Rails builder for creating tables and calendars inspired by ActionView's FormBuilder. Trilyun 1 0 A sinatra app that queries google and outputs the results into a csv fileSwift BetterCodable 1,745 80 Better Codable through Property Wrappers SwiftMemoryByExample 4 0 EventingLibrary 2 2 A uniform API for message passing Ongaku 2 0 A demonstration of eventing patterns, landing at RxSwift + RxSugar Path 1 0 Type safe file paths WIP Re-Lax 1 0 Recreating Parallax on tvOS