Mark Schisler husband, father, swimmer, cyclist, mobile developer. 21 5 16 58 8 C cross-platform-tutorial 36 5 A project demostrating how to make a cross platform library between Android and iOS. corefoundation-lite-android 15 1 Core Foundation Lite for Android libBlocksRuntime 0 1 libBlocksRuntime port to Android oursql 0 1 oursql is a set of MySQL bindings for python with a focus on wrapping the MYSQL_STMT API to provide real parameterization and real server-side cursors. Java airbrake-android 1 0 Airbrake Notifier for Android Objective-C hoptoad-ios 1 0 A Hoptoad Notifier for iOS Ruby capistrano-mysqldump 1 0 Ruby capistrano extension to run mysqldump remotely, download, and import into your local Rails development database. Pericope 1 0 A simple Bible reference parser Swift weather_app 1 0 Vim Script vim 1 0 my vim environment VimL snipmate.vim 1 0 snipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim.