Matt Gaidica, Ph.D. matt@gaidi.caAssistant Professor of Neuroscience // Director of the Neurotech Hub at WashU 37 48 114 109 42 No Language eber 1 0 Enhancing Bio-logging in Ecology Research (EBER) Initiative Geolocation 1 0 Testing out geolocation methods. Wired-In 1 0 Simple way to show working statusArduino ArduinoWebDisplay 1 0 Arduino polling a web location and showing the status represented by LED's. CapacitiveTouch 0 1 Arduino code to control a capacitive touch sensor and relay information to other controller.C Arduino-Libraries 1 0 ESLO_dev 0 1 Catch-all for ongoing projects.JavaScript twitter-mongo 38 11 Simple User Authentication with Node.js, Express, Mongoose, and Passport brandr 1 0 Landr's BrandrMatlab RatBrainAtlasAPI 5 5 RESTful API for the Rat Brain Atlas MouseClasping 1 0 BetaTools 0 1 Code that enables investigation of beta oscillations in neural data ExtractSpikesTDT 0 1 PHP TinyPHP 21 10 Tiny PHP: A Fun PHP Minifier 14 4 Secure password and data sharing via a shortlink. Rat-Brain-Atlas 1 1 1 0 Custom QR code generator/managerPython biologging 0 2 We are developing A Reusable Bio-Observatory (ARBO)—an implantable bio-logger that can record cardiac and neural rhythms.Ruby textract 5 0 A text extractor suite. ActiverecordSinatra 4 2 Getting started with Activerecord and Sinatra basecamp-wrap 4 3 A Ruby wrapper to access the Basecamp API. consyl 1 0 Bash script for controlling git actions Facebook-Geo 1 0 Facebook Geolocation with Twilio, Pusher, and Omniauth Health-Tracker 1 0 This was a simple app to track certain elements of health in a mobile website. Used for data collection using Twitter Bootstrap. ParameterizedSinatra 1 0 Examples of parameterized SQL queries using ActiveRecord and Sinatra. Resque-Example 1 0 An example using Redis and Resque. sinatra-boilerplate 1 0 A great place to start with Sinatra, HTML5 Boilerplate and Compass all cooked together. Spinit 1 0 A neat realtime quiz application with Facebook login and gelocation.Shell 7zBackup 1 0 Simple backup script for Windows and 7-zip. OptogeneticsTable 1 0