Matthew Oden Potter heymatthewoden@gmail.comSt. Louis based developer, interested in using the right tools, to build the best tools. 12 10 77 90 20 Elixir libvault 44 9 A flexible, configurable vault library. Elixir-HttpBuilder 15 6 A DSL for building chainable, composable HTTP requests. API structure taken from the lovely elm-http-builder 3 0 Gunshots? Or Fireworks? A tiny elixir umbrella app that answers the question of "Whoa - what was that sound?" rss_watcher 3 0 Module for watching RSS feeds, and dispatching updates when they change. slackerton 1 0 A natural-language Slackbot for a local slack SmokeTest 1 0 A configurable Plug middleware to quickly find errors that might prevent a deployment. JavaScript pg_promise_sandbox 6 2 Transaction based testing tools for Postgres. Run all your database tests (and CI Pipelines) concurrently! pokecron-go 4 1 Ping the Pokemon Go servers at a set location, on an interval. amplify-store 3 1 A node wrapper around the module of amplify.js. keyevents-npm 3 0 a human readable event binding mixin for react.js circle 2 0 automatic coupon clipper for a big box general store. mambo-no-5 1 0 Use an Xbox 360 controller to make your Parrot Mambo MiniDrone dance! ...Or just fly it around. moviefone 1 0 An API for finding movies based around a location. schnupons 1 0 A dumb script for a dumb name. foundry-heroku 0 1 Run Foundry Virtual Tabletop on Heroku and save data to GitHub, all for free.Vim Script dotfiles 2 0 Various options and settings used for development across machines