Michael Greene Scripts, demos, and automation samples 197 25 28 25 3 No Language PSHSummitNA2015Slides 3 0 PowerPoint Slides from PowerShell Summit North American 2015 Whitepapers 2 2 Staging area for new documents and whitepapers azure-cli 1 0 Azure Command-Line Interface azure-docs 1 0 Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure azure-docs-cli 1 0 Repository used to store content for the docs.microsoft.com content for the Azure CLI azure-docs-powershell 1 0 Repository used to store Azure PowerShell cmdlet content published on docs.ms.com reference site. azure-powershell 1 0 Microsoft Azure PowerShell AzureResourceExplorer 1 0 Azure Resource Explorer - a site to explore and manage your ARM resources in style bicep 1 0 Bicep is a declarative language for describing and deploying Azure resources Codex-CLI 1 0 CLI tool that uses Codex to turn natural language commands into their Bash/ZShell/PowerShell equivalents slides 1 0 windowsserverdocs 1 0 Public content repository for Windows Server 2016 content.Bicep azure-quickstart-templates 1 0 Azure Quickstart TemplatesPowerShell PesterExample 3 0 PesterExample CloudShell 1 0 Container Image for Azure Cloud Shell (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/features/cloud-shell/) composableconfigurationtypes 1 0 PowerShell-Docs 1 0 The official PowerShell documentation sources PowerShell-Docs-DSC 1 1 PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1 0 Source for https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/PSDesiredStateConfiguration module windows-itpro-docs 1 0 This is used for contributions to the Windows 10 content for IT professionals on docs.microsoft.com.