Michael Bradley michaelsbradleyjr@gmail.comsoftware developer 157 181 114 220 89 No Language vps-setup 47 11 A collection of notes and tips for basic setup and security lockdown of a Linux VPS, or local VM following os install. transducers.js 1 0 A small library for generalized transformation of data (inspired by Clojure's transducers)Clojure protocol-monads 5 1 A protocol based monads library for Clojure clojurescript 1 0 Clojure to JS compiler clj-orient 0 1 Wrapper for the OrientDB Native APIs. It supports version 1.0 of the APIs.CoffeeScript docco 1 0 Literate Programming can be Quick and Dirty. sinon-chai 1 0 Extends chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework.Emacs Lisp prelude 1 0 Prelude is an enhanced Emacs 24 configuration that should make your experience with Emacs both more pleasant and more powerful.JavaScript node-clojurescript 109 14 seamless integration between NodeJS and ClojureScript hyper-clj 4 1 Clojure based implementations and interpretations of the examples in "Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node" next-mobx-wrapper 4 1 MobX wrapper for Next.js gfms 2 53 Github Flavored Markdown Server (GFMS) traits.js 2 1 Trait composition library for JavaScript Building-Hypermedia-APIs 1 0 Source code for the O'Reilly book of the same name EventEmitter2 1 0 A nodejs event emitter implementation with namespaces, wildcards, TTL and browser support hiccup-bootstrap 1 0 Twitter's bootstrap in Hiccup himera 1 0 mocha 1 0 mocha - simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser. (BDD, TDD, QUnit styles via interfaces) next.js 1 0 Framework for server-rendered or statically-exported React apps watch 1 0 Utilities for watching file trees in node.js WebSocket-Node 1 1 A WebSocket Implementation for Node.JS (Draft -08 through the final RFC 6455) nightly-release-workflow-tester 0 1 Used to test a nightly release GitHub Actions workflowNim nim-notcurses 25 2 Nim wrapper for Notcurses: blingful TUIs and character graphicsRacket validator-monitor 3 1 A tool for monitoring ETH2 Beacon Chain validatorsShell snarts 4 0 Executable Statecharts for Nim compose-wordpress 1 1 Flexible WordPress stack based on Docker Compose nim-cozo 1 0 Nim wrapper for CozoDB