Michael Madden https://mikemadden42.github.io/ 32 68 173 41 15 AppleScript fuji 2 0 AppleScript collection C fastcheck 1 1 fastcheck - quickly check Linux specs vercert 0 1 Verify SSL certificate C++ fsize 1 0 Calculate folder sizes in parallel modern_cc 0 1 Sample C++11 programs CMake rockyou2024 24 9 Quickly search the rockyou2024.txt file Go GrayHatGo 4 1 Presentation on using Go for security focused tasks s3buster 2 0 S3 recon tool written in Go cleandir 1 0 Clean home directory slacklings 1 0 small slack utilities github_status 0 1 GitHub Status Python pyutils 2 0 Utility scripts wc 0 1 Pig word count example Rust tenure 2 0 Get the diff between two dates black-hat-rust 1 0 Deep dive into offensive security with the rust programming language - Early access