Michael Remijan http://www.linkedin.com/in/mjremijan mjremijan@yahoo.com 17 1 58 29 18 No Language ferris-onetastic 3 0 Microsoft OneNote Onetastic macros thoth-maven-release-plugin 0 3 Research on the Maven Release Plugin C# article-aes 3 1 Java thoth-cryptography 5 5 Research and Development on security (Hashing, Encryption, etc.) thoth-security-api 5 2 Research and Development on EE Security API (JSR 375) thoth-rsa 3 2 Research on using ssh-keygen or openssl to generate public/private keys which a Java application can use. article-ejbrace 2 0 Remote EJB performance versus RESTful and standard Web Services thoth-email 2 0 Research on the Jakarta Mail API thoth-jaspic 2 0 Research and Development on JASPIC (JSR 196) ferris-ejbcron 1 0 A singleton EJB using the TimerService, ScheduleExpressions, and an XML configuration to mimic CRON. ferris-magic-number 1 0 Finds all Java class files in a directory and prints a summary of the Java magic number major version ferris-war-exploder 1 0 Explodes a JAR file or a WAR file and all JAR files within the WAR file so the .class files may be anlayzed. thoth-ejb 1 0 Research and Development on EJB (JSR 220, 318, 345) article-mavenintegrationtestingwithderby 0 2 Maven Integration Testing With Derby ferris-catalina-jndi-realm 0 1 A JNDI Realm for Tomcat Catalina which accepts all SSL certificates. Development purposes only! ferris-clusterjsp 0 1 My updates to the clusterjsp application to test clusters and session replication thoth-jwt 0 1 Research into JWT