Mark Heckler mark.heckler@gmail.comSoftware Developer/Principal Advocate for Java/JVM languages @ Microsoft, conference speaker, published author, & Java Champion developing prod-ready software 971 33 459 853 336 No Language SpringBootUpAndRunning 93 68 Code to accompany my book Spring Boot: Up and Running, available at FSR 40 5 Meta repository for Full Stack Reactive talk (Java, Kotlin, R2DBC, eieio, & anything that may be useful & relevant)! spring-security-4-n00bz 33 3 Meta-repository for code written during talk for session titled "Spring Security 4 N00bz" warpspeed 29 7 FSRx 27 7 Parent repository to accompany session/workshop for Full Stack Reactive Java/Kotlin spring-security-oidc-oauth2 21 8 Meta-repository for code written during talk for session titled "How to Supercharge AppSec with Spring Security, OpenID Connect, & OAuth2" building-reactive-pipelines-with-kotlin 17 3 Meta repo to accompany session Building Reactive Pipelines with Kotlin and Spring rag 15 1 Repo for Retrieval Augmented Generation samples, guidance, experimentation, and more build-better-config 10 8 Config properties repo for local Spring Cloud examples accompanying session "Build Better, Deploy Faster" ASSEMBLE 7 0 Meta repo for projects used in Services Assemble! session/workshop spring-boot-omakase 7 0 Meta repo for session Spring Boot Omakase: Scalability and Deployment Edition, Mark II DIR 6 2 Diving Into Reactive: An exploration of the reactive space, including but not limited to various Spring & industry options for writing more scalable+performant code reactive-data 6 4 Meta-repository for projects I create in my session "Go Reactive with your Data" rs-jokerconf 6 0 AOU 5 3 Meta repo (iteration 2) for projects used in Services Assemble! session/workshop rsocket 5 1 CloudsAndContainers 4 0 Reference links for Clouds and Containers session material game-of-streams-aircraft-edition-kotlin 4 0 getfunctional 4 0 LOTE 4 0 Living On The Edge (Service) live coding session meta-repo ppp 4 0 Powering the Push to Production spring-cloud-in-the-cloud 4 0 do-good 3 0 Meta-repo for my session "Using Your Coding Powers for Good" spring-security-kotlin 3 0 Meta repository for Spring Security + Kotlin session mkheck 2 0 azure-docs 1 0 Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure EasyJavaFX 1 0 JavaFX and SceneBuilder simple demo app. Accompanying article at EasyJavaFXDemo 1 0 JavaFX and Scene Builder Demo App generative-ai-for-beginners 1 1 18 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 LOTE_MicroservicesConfig 1 1 Living on the Edge: Config Service properties okta-java-websockets-example 1 0 Java, Spring, and Secure WebSockets Example planetary-database-bliss 1 0 Meta repo for Spring Boot apps using Azure Cosmos DB for (MongoDB/PostgreSQL/more to come) rs-ac 1 0 Meta repo for RSocket server and client project repos scf-to-az-wip 1 0 spring-cloud-stream-samples 1 1 Samples for Spring Cloud Stream spring-openai-bot 1 1 Spring Boot + OpenAI sample application test-config 1 0 Test config server files (config repo) yml-microservices-config 1 2 YAML properties files to feed Spring Cloud Config Server microservice. aou-config 0 1 Configuration properties (YAML) files for Spring Cloud Config Server ASSEMBLE-microservices-config 0 1 booternetes 0 1 booternetes-springone-tour-2021-workshop 0 1 Getting Started with Spring Boot on Kubernetes bootiful-microservices-config 0 1 CodeMash2016 0 1 A repository containing presentation content (slides, demo code, whatever) from CodeMash 2016 sessions. coolfinancials 0 1 Resources for financial analysis of transformative development technologies. cosmosdbforspringdevs 0 1 give-kotlin-the-boot 0 1 letsgetfunctional 0 1 Meta repository to accompany session "Let's get Functional: The fast path to smart serverless with Spring Cloud Function & Azure Functions" pcf-microservices-config 0 1 YML-based config settings/repo for PCF deployment of LOTE example microservices SCS 0 1 Meta repository with links to repos used to create Spring Cloud Services article & demo SCSconfig 0 3 Config properties repo for Spring Cloud Services Config Server spring-flights 0 2 Demo application showcasing RSocket support in SpringArduino ArduinoGeigerCounter 16 2 Arduino code for use with Alibaba RadiationD-v1.1 Geiger counter board, basic use case. ArduinoPinTests 3 0 Sketches for testing Input and/or Output capabilities of designated pins of an Arduino or compatible board.CSS acme-fitness-store 1 0 Sample - how to deploy Spring Boot apps to Azure?Dockerfile jenkins 8 9 Jenkins Docker image with JDK 8 and Maven. containerscripts-database 7 3 java-in-the-can 2 0 Project to evaluate app containerization options and performance catwd-demo 1 1 Containers All The Way Down, experimental image_neo4j 1 0 Dockerfile for creating Neo4j imageHTML current-abstracts 7 3 Current Abstracts for keynotes, sessions, deep dives, & workshops I can deliver upon request aca-java-runtimes-workshop 1 0 Host the code and the documentation of the Azure Container Apps workshop for Java runtimes (Quarkus, Micronaut, Spring Boot) springdata-h2-adventures 0 1 Java building-reactive-pipelines 44 14 Reactive Spring Cloud Stream projects to accompany my session "Building Reactive Pipelines" drinking-from-the-stream 43 16 Spring Cloud Stream Java projects to accompany my session titled Drinking from the Stream spring-into-kotlin 18 4 Repository (with multiple branches) that accompanies my session "Springing into Kotlin" build-better-deploy-faster 17 5 game-of-streams-aircraft-edition 14 4 Game of Streams meta repo for imperative AND reactive source/processor/sink microservices coffee-service-r2dbc 13 5 Coffee service reactive sample app created using R2DBC & Postgres neoai 13 1 Spring AI and Neo4j vector demo sandbox DialogFX 12 7 DialogFX adds fully-baked and flexible dialog box functionality to JavaFX 2.2+. MonologFX 11 3 MonologFX library for JavaFX 2.x. production-ai 11 3 Paving a Painless Path to Production AI in your Java Applications game-of-streams 10 2 Meta repository to accompany my session "Game of Streams: How to tame & get the most from your messaging platforms" dasboot 8 0 planefinder 8 3 API gateway for PlaneFinder feed reactive-spring-deepdive 8 5 ai202 7 1 Next-level AI for Java developers fsr-java-coffee-service 7 1 Java-based coffee service using Project Reactor, Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2 ax-random-tweet 6 1 Alexa skill to retrieve a random tweet from a specified Twitter user (handle); defaults to Pivotal if none provided. boot-paths-to-prod 6 0 properties 6 2 Experiential repo to demonstrate configuration properties and deployment options fsr-coffee-service-java 5 1 getting-started-with-springboot 5 1 Code to accompany SpringOne workshop: Getting Started with Spring Boot BCCrypTool 4 4 getting-started-r2dbc 4 6 Repo for code in video "Getting Started with R2DBC" found here: cosmosdb-sql 3 0 sc-ssec-res-svr 3 6 BasicWebSocketClient 2 0 cosmosdb-mon 2 0 Spring Boot/Spring Data application using MongoDB or Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB fsr-java-coffee-client 2 0 Java-based coffee client using Project Reactor, Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2 golden-path-to-production 2 0 Josh & Mark demo and preso kcm-whisper-transcription 2 0 KC Masterpieces, an homage building and extending (eventually) some great examples by my good friend Ken. reactive-sink-issues 2 0 This repo for troubleshooting issues I'm encountering with latest release of SCSt (Fishtown.SR2) sc-ssec-oidc 2 4 stream-extended-sink 2 0 ai-search-light 1 0 Similarity search (and more) for Azure AI Search using Spring AI AxMCP 1 0 cert-test 1 0 Rudimentary Spring Boot app to use for build-up from zero, to local PKCS, to Azure Key Vault and testing variations/permutations of several primary use and edge cases coffee-service-security-tests 1 0 copilot 1 0 fsr-coffee-client-java 1 0 gktb-java 1 0 json-in-example 1 0 Quick example requested to demonstrate acceptance/processing of JSON object values lm-internal-service-v2 1 0 Scratch repo for Learn module noodling using Cosmos DB SQL variant mh-aasc-admin-service 1 0 mh-aasc-conditions-service 1 0 my-flux-is-stuck 1 0 :D PiRemote 1 0 planetary-postgres-springboot 1 0 prep-the-empire 1 1 Sample Java to Kotlin project prod-ai-nextgen1 1 0 Repo for workshopping Spring AI code constructs, examples, etc. prodready 1 0 Repo to accompany Spring Boot Omakase: Production Ready extended session with Actuator, config, deploy, MVC vs. WebFlux, and Spring Security reactive-processor-issues 1 0 To help resolve issues I've encountered w latest build. rs-client 1 0 RSocket+Spring Boot client for Joker<?> conf rsocket-client-version-api-issues 1 0 rs-server 1 0 RSocket+Spring Boot server for Joker<?> conf sbd-thing2 1 0 scf-az-neo-ac-wip 1 0 scf-az-neo-pos-wip 1 0 scf-az-planefinder 1 0 scst-parti-source 1 0 scst-rx-sink-20190913 1 0 Simple baseline SCSt Sink microservice to diagnose/work through issues w/Consumer bean using Flux. scst-sink-demo-fun 1 0 Spring Cloud Stream Sink demo app, functional (eventually) simple-r2dbc 1 0 spring-ai 1 1 An Application Framework for AI Engineering spring-boot-actuator-startupendpoint-nativecode-issue 1 0 /startup endpoint present when running with JVM, not so when doing CNB build + running natively within container spring-boot-reactive-apps-on-azure 1 1 spring-cloud-stream 1 0 Framework for building Event-Driven Microservices ssec-jpa 1 0 Spring Boot app that uses Spring Security & JPA+H2 for authentication, authorization, & persistence/management of same ssec-oidc 1 2 Experimental repo for using Spring Security & OpenID Connect + OAuth2 stream-extended-processor 1 0 stream-extended-source 1 0 tenx 1 0 ubiquitous-succotash 1 0 Test run of ch 11 weather-service in s-a-labs example, a.k.a. ubiquitous succotash webflux-thymeleaf 1 0 Fails when adding websocket dep; works perfectly when removed. No other changes. ai-fun 0 2 Having fun with OpenAI on Azure. ChatGPT with panache! alexa-skills-kit-java 0 1 SDK and example code for building voice-enabled skills for the Amazon Echo. cafe-service-r2dbc 0 1 Reactive Relational Database Connectivity (R2DBC) simple example project dir-coffee-service 0 1 Reactive space exploration using a coffee service... ejemplo-jpa 0 1 Ejemplo sencillo con Spring Data y H2 y/o MariaDB/MySQL p-noti 0 1 p-roul 0 1 scsba-owner-api 0 1 Simple example of Azure Spring Cloud "drop in" app to access and expose a simple API (not production ready, just a proof of concept, please don't try this at home, no warranty exists either express or implied, some restrictions apply, void where prohibited by law, some assembly required) ssec-forms 0 2 Experimental repo for Spring Security with various (at different points in time) A&A components/mechanisms ssec-resource 0 2 Experimental repo for using Spring Security & OAuth2 resource server w/JWT ts20200206-source 0 1 Spring Cloud Stream source service created to troubleshoot issues with partitioning by payload memberJavaScript javaee-to-spring 7 3 Kotlin- & Java-based Spring Boot applications migrated from JavaEE/JakartaEE TRIPwire 2 1 Monitoring service (dashboard) for TRIP, the Test Robotics IoT Platform. Intended to be deployed in a cloud environment, e.g. Cloud Foundry. MCP 0 1 Master Control Program for Renewable Energy Monitoring & Management in the Cloud SimpleWebCounter 0 1 Kotlin drinking-from-the-stream-kotlin 7 0 Spring Cloud Stream (Kotlin) projects to accompany my session titled Drinking from the Stream game-of-streams-kotlin 4 0 Meta repository to accompany my session "Game of Streams: How to tame & get the most from your messaging platforms" (Kotlin edition!) brp-source-kotlin 3 2 Building reactive pipelines with Kotlin! (Source repo) brp-processor-kotlin 2 2 Building reactive pipelines with Kotlin! (Processor repo) brp-sink-kotlin 2 2 Building reactive pipelines with Kotlin! (Sink repo) fsr-kotlin-coffee-service 2 3 Kotlin-based coffee service using Project Reactor, Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2 gktb-kotlin 2 0 kotlin-coffee-service 2 0 Fully idiomatic Kotlin example of coffee-service (including Kotlin DSL routing) ejemplo-mongo-kotlin 1 0 p-inv-kotlin 1 1 simplekotlinpropertiesdemo 1 0 Simple Spring Boot Kotlin application to demonstrate external property ingestion spring-boot-kotlin-demo 1 0 Spring Boot Kotlin project with a REST Webservice and Spring Data ssec-forms-kotlin 1 0 ssec-oidc-kotlin 1 0 fsr-coffee-service-kotlin 0 1 fsr-kotlin-coffee-client 0 1 Kotlin-based coffee client using Project Reactor, Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2Shell LocalMessaging 19 8 Scripts I use to create Docker images, create config, & run containers for RabbitMQ and Zookeeper+Kafka. Nothing fancy, they just work. :) flux-flix-intro 12 7 Streamlined introduction to reactive streams, Project Reactor, Spring Framework 5.x, & Spring Boot 2.x asa-general-scripts-for-reference-only 2 0 General scripts I use to create and deploy a set of apps to Azure Spring Apps. FOR REFERENCE ONLY, scripts will not work without customization for your circumstances. cnworkshop 2 1 Cloud Native Workshop example project (quote-service) for use locally & as CF-deployed app w/MySQL backing service. reactive-redis 2 1 Reactive Redis demo comparison app aoai 1 0 Scripts to create, manage, and destroy temporary Azure OpenAI resources for use in local development ASSEMBLE-quote-service 1 1 CloudsAndContainersDemoScripts 1 1 Shell scripts for use in app deployment demos using Docker swarm mode, Kubernetes, & Cloud Foundry (all local) cosmosdb-mon-scripts 1 0 Scripts to create Cosmos DB for MongoDB database resources/instance in Azure and set env vars for Spring Boot/Spring Data app cosmosdb-sql-scripts 1 0 Scripts to create Cosmos DB SQL database resources/instance in Azure gs-spring-data-reactive-redis 1 0 Spring Data Reactive Redis intro_auth_service 1 0 intro_config_service 1 0 intro_edge_service 1 0 intro_eureka_service 1 0 intro_quote_service 1 0 java-champions 1 0 A list of Java Champions mh-aasc-scripts 1 0 Scripts to create and configure all Azure resources required for AASC-related sessions OPCScriptsEtc 1 0 Useful scripts for creating/deleting containers and instances in the Oracle Cloud Platform (SCS, DBCS, JCS, etc.). planetary-postgres-scripts 1 0 ppp-deploy-scripts 1 0 Deployment scripts (shell, using az cli) for use deploying to Azure Container Apps using either az cli (entirely) or just to init variables for subsequent Terraform, etc. deployment ASSEMBLE-config-service 0 1 ASSEMBLE-edge-service 0 1 ASSEMBLE-eureka-service 0 1 ASSEMBLE-hystrix-dashboard 0 1 bcsdemo 0 1 Beer Catalog Service backend for demo with Matt Raible @ DevNexus 2017 CCEdgeSvc 0 1 CCQuoteSvc 0 1 cf4devs 0 2 Cloud Foundry for Developers DemoCIProjectSuite 0 1 For use in testing with Jenkins builds of Spring Cloud OSS. pcfbasicdemo 0 1 Spring Boot+Actuator demo app for PCF 1.11 reactive-cassandra 0 2 Reactive Cassandra demo comparison app reactive-mongodb 0 1 Reactive MongoDB demo comparison app scgateway-issue-backing-service 0 1 Backing service configured (currently) without Eureka, can easily change to use a Eureka server; effects same. SCScoffee-service 0 2 Backing microservice for example using Spring Cloud Services SCSedge-service 0 2 Edge microservice for example using Spring Cloud Services