Mike Menne mike@humanagency.comMaking the world an even better place. 95 4 105 138 287 No Language pi-reverse-tunnel 13 1 Access your Raspberry Pi from anywhere in the world jRipperControls 1 0 added several methods to that make it easy to use jRipper from inside your program junit-examples-for-kjug 1 0 examples to be used by students being introduced to JUNIT kjug-groovy-examples 1 0 Just some basic groovy examples for all to enjoy mennes-arduino 1 0 just trying out arduino webflow-git 0 1 A utility to track changes to a Webflow site on GitHub.C cs50-unit-testing 0 2 Just some simple examples of how to do easy unit testing in CCSS globalhack4_doc 0 2 Java hackerrank-templates 68 84 Quick templates you can throw code in during a HackerRank challenge launchcode-java-class 26 134 Problem sets for mastering Java gwt-initial-test 1 0 Trying out GWT launchcode-java-examples 1 1 Simple repo with examples of using Spring Boot summer-scjp 1 0 Examples preparing for the SCJP exam tm-extreme-ata 1 0 The latest edition of ata cs50-java-examples 0 4 Just some simple java examples launchcode-greedy-template 0 5 Template for CS50 Greedy in Java. Maven. Spring. Unit Testing strategy-design-pattern-example 0 2 The Strategy Design pattern implemented in JavaJavaScript cs50-connection 6 19 Simple angular.js app to look up members of the LaunchCode's CS50 class launchcode-tv 5 5 Step by step LaunchCode mini lectures to help you master the material audiology-player 1 0 audiology-player boomappstamatic 1 0 just some gae examples gwt-with-sound 1 0 Example app using gwt-sound wrapper for SoundManager2 LearningCenter 1 1 Next steps for CS50 graduates and those who have been out of the game ninja-chat-node-angular 1 2 App using ninja chat and angular js. It is pretty awesome snap-scrip 1 0 Angular.js and Semantic-UI come together to build a website for ordering giftcards cs50-simple-javascript 0 1 simple javascript simple-sample-angular-app 0 1 Just a really simple app using Angular.js to help people get started using the framework webflow-get 0 1 GitHub action to fetch Webflow site content.Objective-C metrolink-stl-ios 1 0 iOS app for the St. Louis Metrolink Transit SystemRuby sidekiq-simple-workflow 2 0 A very simple wrapper around the Sidekiq Batches API grails-baseball-scoreboard 1 0 This is project is the source code for my talk pertaining to ATDD and testing with Cucumber. Please enjoy! intransient_capybara 1 0 A set of improvements to Capybara/Poltergeist/PhantomJS test stack that reduces the occurrence of transient failures. organ-donation-hotline 1 0 One number that connects a potential living kidney donor to the nearest hospital transplant program.Shell metrolink-stl-data 0 21 Simple sqlite database and scripts based on the GTFS standard