Masaki Tanaka Ph.D. candidate in Economics, Washington University in St. Louis (since Aug. 2021). Economist at the Bank of Japan (since Apr. 2015) 9 0 13 13 3 AMPL Sudo-Tanaka-2021-JMCB_ReplicationCodes 2 0 This is the replication codes for Sudo and Tanaka (2021), "Quantifying Stock and Flow Effects of QE," Journal of Money Credit and Banking. The codes are identical to those available on the journal website. Python WashU_Quant_Macro 5 2 This repository is for the homework for Quantitative Macroeconomic Theory at WashU. mtPythonTools 3 1 Miscellaneous Python tools for Economic Research TeX Latex-Beamer-Template 3 0 My template for LaTeX's Beamer class. Please feel free to use this template.