Mark Volkmann software developer, marathon runner, author of "Server-Driven Web Apps with htmx" and "Svelte and Sapper in Action" 296 12 440 729 208 No Language talks 65 6 This is a collections of slides and other material from some talks I have given. flow-material 2 0 Mark Volkmann's training material on Flow react-simply-material 1 0 slides from "React Simply" talk autocomplete 0 1 Fig adds autocomplete to your terminal.Astro astro-examples 1 0 C++ flutter_introduction_screen 1 0 Clojure VendingMachine-Clojure 2 0 Lambda Lounge Vending Machine code in ClojureGo go-htmx-demo 3 0 go 1 0 My playground for Go programmingHTML Clojure-Article 57 19 A long article about the Clojure programming language todo-es6 53 15 simple Todo application written using ES6 (using Traceur) and AngularJS svelte-native-components 4 3 svelte-dialog 3 3 This demonstrates creating a Svelte Dialog component that uses the HTML <dialog> element. 2 2 my Github Pages repo. oci-svelte-components 2 0 svelte-account-demo 2 1 htmx-flask 1 0 polymer-examples 1 0 example code for Web Components, CSS Custom Properties, and Polymer travel-packing 1 0 a Svelte app to help with packing for trips meeting-planner 0 1 svelte-dogs 0 1 Svelte UI for performing CRUD operations on a collection of objectsJava VMap 3 1 versioned map implementation in Java waxy 2 0 WAX - a new approach to writing XMLJavaScript svelte-and-sapper-in-action 55 25 svelte-todo 39 11 a simple Svelte-based todo app react-examples 36 15 examples of using the React web framework htmx-offline 28 1 redux-easy 19 2 a set of utility functions that make using Redux easier web-translate 16 3 a set of framework-agnostic JavaScript functions that support language translation in web applications context-easy 10 0 the easiest way to manage state in a React application top-state-hook 10 1 defines a React hook for managing application state svelte-ssr 8 2 This implements server-side rendering (SSR) in a Svelte application. authentication-fastify 7 1 svelte-session-store 7 0 a Svelte writable store that is persisted to sessionStorage alpine-plugins 6 0 This is a collection of custom plugins for Alpine.js. postgresql-easy 6 1 A Node package for interacting with a PostgreSQL database redux-lite 6 1 a greatly simplified version of Redux inspired by a post from Dan Abramov svelte-custom-elements-demo 6 2 react-hash-route 5 1 very simple way to support routing in React applications angularjs-examples 4 4 AngularJS examples PL101 4 1 code for Nathan's University PL101 course react-tour-of-heroes 4 1 a React implementation of the "Tour of Heroes" web application wasm-bind-demo 4 2 mysql-easier 3 1 A Node.js package to make it easier to use MySQL. react-todo 3 3 a simple React-based todo app star-it 3 0 A library of JavaScript functions that take an iterable and mimic the functionality of many Array methods svelte-in-react 3 0 demonstrates using Svelte components in a React app d3-bar-chart-with-transitions 2 1 eslint-plugin-volkmann 2 1 A plugin for ESLint esm-demo 2 0 demo of using ES modules in Node.js 2 0 demonstrates a potential issue in Hook.oi path-next 2 1 JavaScript functions for getting the next version of an object after making a change at a given path pytorch-and-svelte 2 0 redux-greeting-card 2 1 demonstrates standard use of Redux in a simple React application svelte-testing-library-issue 2 1 This is for debugging an issue in svelte-testing-library. svelte-typescript 2 0 vue-todo 2 1 Todo web app implemented in Vue vue-workshop 2 3 bufferedstream 1 0 A base stream class for node that reliably buffers until next tick c3-bar-chart 1 0 context-easy-demo 1 0 demonstrates using context-easy d3-world-map 1 0 dream 1 0 A programming language with a dreamy syntax ice-cream-app 1 2 demo of PostgreSQL, Node, Express, REST, React, and Docker indexeddb-demo 1 0 javascript-labs 1 0 lab exercises for JavaScript class jquery-labs 1 2 lab exercises for my jQuery class js2htmlstr 1 1 JavaScript functions that generate HTML strings JSLintFromAnt 1 0 This demonstrates using the JSLint tool from Apache Ant. modern-js-tools 1 0 nodejs-labs 1 0 node-liner 1 1 A simple library for reading files and streams line by line. node-rest-demo 1 1 Demonstrates implementing REST services in Node.js using Express pwa-cloudflare-demo 1 1 redux-easy-greeting-card 1 1 demonstrates usage of redux-easy serverless-demo 1 0 Demonstrates using the npm package "serverless" to work with cloud functions sveltekit-netlify 1 0 sveltekit-testing 1 2 svelte-language-translation 1 0 svelte-with-classes 1 0 vuex-easy 1 0 the easiest way to manage state in a Vue application wasm-web-workers 1 0 eos-tic-tac-toe 0 3 fetch-api-demo 0 1 This demonstrates using the Fetch API from a web app implemented in Vue to a backend implemented in Node.js and Express that talks to a PostgreSQL database. iiot-demo 0 3 nodeExpressMongoWebSocketsCluster 0 1 This is an example of building an HTTP server using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, WebSockets and the cluster module. 0 1 Nushell's main website, blog, book, and more react-context-to-redux-easy 0 1 Converts React Context API example from Wes Bos to use redux-easy react-native-running-calculator 0 1 a React Native app for learning sapper-demo 0 1 demonstrates using Sapper sapper-pwa 0 1 This demonstrates creating a PWA with Sapper. starter 0 2 This is a starting point for new React projects. starter-api 0 2 This is a starter for a set of REST services that work with a PostgreSQL database. toggle-nav 0 1 This demonstrates using the CSS ancestor sibling selector to implement a hideable left nav area. ui-designer 0 1 web-crud 0 1 demonstration of a basic CRUD app using Node.js and ExpressJupyter Notebook blog 12 4 Mark Volkmann's blog using 11tyLua glove 3 1 Widget library for LÖVE (love2d) which is a framework for building 2D games in Lua autorun.nvim 2 0 OCaml ocaml-examples 3 1 Python htmx-fastapi 1 1 python-lunar-lockout 1 0 htmx-django 0 1 Ruby VendingMachine-Ruby 3 0 Lambda Lounge Vending Machine code in RubyRust rust-rest 3 0 rust-diesel-demo 1 1 rust-parallel-options 1 0 rust-web-scrape 1 0 rust-htmx-demo 0 1 Shell svelte-docker 0 1 Smalltalk Cuis-Smalltalk-MethodFinder 3 0 Cuis-Smalltalk-LogAs 1 0 Cuis-Smalltalk-WebClientPlus 1 0 Svelte svelte-editable-table 6 4 sveltekit-todo-w-endpoints 4 1 big-svelte-demo 3 1 svelte-bar-chart 1 0 sveltekit-page-transitions 1 0 sveltekit-routes 1 0 sveltekit-todo 1 0 web-translate-demo 1 0 Swift swiftui-mapkit 2 0 CloudKitDemo 1 1 SwiftUI app that demonstrates using CloudKit CRUD operations SwiftChartsScrollable 1 0 swiftui-cloudkit-core-data 1 0 swiftui-notifications 1 0 watch-list-demo 1 0 watch-with-ios 1 1 watch-with-ios-2 1 0 WeatherKitDemo 1 0 SwiftUI-Async-URLSession 0 1 SwiftUI-GiftTrack 0 1 swiftui-siri-intents 0 1 TypeScript htmx-examples 34 6 hono-htmx-turso 14 0 bun-examples 1 0 ngrx-store-easy 1 1 A much easier way to write Angular applications that use ngrx/store to manage stateVim Script MyUnixEnv 12 3 my files for setting up a new Unix/Linux/Mac OS X environmentVim script vim-react 27 0 A Vim plugin that provides functions that modify React source files vim-js-arrow-function 16 3 changes a JavaScript anonymous function to an arrow function expression (ES 2015)VimL vim-tag-comment 11 1 A Vim plugin that performs proper commenting of HTML/XML tags.Vue vuex-easy-demo 1 0 demonstrates usage of vuex-easyWebAssembly wasm-demo 1 0 Zig zig-examples 2 0 ziglings-solutions 0 1