Nick Landreville Full stack dev focusing on developer experience. I like combining web tech with machine learning and data in my free time. 14 7 123 12 3 No Language react-ts-cheatsheet 1 0 Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScriptC go-social 0 1 non production social media with go and redis for back endCSS translationapp 1 0 JavaScript 3d-cubes-react 1 0 3D model of cubes made with React three fiber (three.js) conjug8ed 1 0 Learn french conjugations easily nicks-blog 1 0 personalSiteV3 1 0 Jupyter Notebook ART-GAN 0 1 GAN to make artPython NLP_API 3 0 api that does sentiment analysis and analyzes text for tokens index, text, tag, POS, Dependency, Lemma, Shape, Alpha, and stop wordRuby MikeTysonConverter 0 1 Simple Ruby app that converts a string to add a mike tyson lisp.Scala Apache-Spark-Is-Fun 1 0 Tutorial for Apache Spark Is Fun! originally on Medium. TypeScript grafana 1 0 The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more. Verilog Random_Hello_Worlds 1 0 lots of hello worlds