Neal Patwari Professor of ESE & CSE at Washington University in St. Louis 19 0 19 24 21 CSS 0 1 Website for SPAN Lab at WUSTLHTML dflcompetition 1 1 The Device-Free Localization Competition at CPS/IoT Week 2019Jupyter Notebook ese471 1 2 Matlab and Python for WUSTL ESE 471 projects cse359a_nlp 0 2 NLP lab assignment for CSE 359A NLP tx_rx_processing 0 1 TX packet signal generation and RX packet demodulation in pre- and post-processingMATLAB locationCRB 9 1 Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Rx Power, TOA, AOA, and quantized Rx Power measurements plotROC 2 2 Matlab code for computing and plotting a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curvePython rti 8 7 Tools for viewing RSS, computing radio tomographic images, and tracking position RXPowerTools 2 1 Tools for received power based experiments in channel modeling and localization pulseox 1 3 An assignment for Washington University in St. Louis CSE/ESE 359, "Signals, Data, and Equity" on the racial bias in pulse oximeter sensor data, and the implications for detection of hypoxemia.