Matt Rea UX, HCD, Creative Technologist 0 0 19 25 17 CSS token-demo-src 9 4 This repo demonstrates a simple design automation workflow that handles design tokens, their transformation to css vars, and pushing updated css files to another project repo. stencil-storybook-token-demo 1 6 This is a companion project to token-demo-src, an example design token build pipeline. This repo contains a sample component built in Stencil documented in Storybook that consumes design token pipeline outputs (css variables) for a themeable button component.JavaScript book-next-gql 4 2 concept application for adding and managing books using next.js, fauna, and tailwind. Login via Auth0 marvel-api-react 2 2 A small project using React & isomorphic-fetch to illustrate client-side fetching REST resources from a public api. me 1 1 Personal website using gatsby, netlify, and netlify cms seven-habits-gatsby-netlify 1 1 static site generation, pwa, gatsby, netlify cms, 7 habitsTypeScript figma-widget-component-checklist 7 1 Figma widget containing basic best practice checklist for building components