Gabriel Hayes webmaster@gabe-develops.techSoftware developer who never needs to buy a hat 19 21 107 50 8 No Language hscript 0 1 Parser and interpreter for Haxe expressionsC anvil 10 0 The (first) library for Ammer library authors hxdbc 7 0 Haxe Open Database Connectivity Native Extension hxmake 3 0 Unified CLI to compile C with GNU C, Clang, or the MSVC compiler toolkit (CL.exe)C# SimpleCRM 1 0 Simple .NET MVC CRM WebsiteHaxe hxgenpe 8 0 Generate Portable Executable Binaries from Haxe IR/AST tink_web4jvm 6 1 POC of tink_web running on Haxe's JVM target full-haxe 4 0 The go-to resource for full-stack Haxe web development. tink_web4hl 4 1 POC for the tink web-stack on HL with Libuv haxedb 2 0 Applied database research hxsynchapi 2 0 Windows Synchronization API for Haxe bp_grpc 1 2 Brave-Pi Haxe gRPC Library google-cloud-storage 1 0 Externs for @google-cloud/storage v5.16.1 automatically generated by dts2hx html-to-text 1 0 Externs for html-to-text automatically generated by dts2hx jsflygen 0 1 Generate Haxe JS on the Fly tink_querystring 0 1 Macro powered query string parsing and composition.JavaScript MegameterConsole 0 1 A Lua-enabled .NET Server using NLua