Alex Miller alex@puredanger.comClojure maintainer at Nubank. Creator of Strange Loop, Clojure/west, and Lambda Jam conferences. Co-author of Programming Clojure and Clojure Applied. 937 29 117 179 23 No Language monoex 3 0 clj-kondo 1 0 A linter for Clojure code that sparks joy. clojure-cli-config 1 0 User aliases and Clojure CLI configuration for deps.edn based projects anagram-jam 0 1 Lambda Jam Anagram Jam dot-clojure 0 1 My .clojure/deps.edn fileCSS clojure-newbie-guide 0 1 A quick guide for Clojure newbies.Clojure replicant 30 3 Sketching use of clojure socket server for tooling use startup-time 24 0 Clojure startup time example demo-deps 17 3 Demo of deps.edn and clj poly-timing 10 2 Timings for type- and value-based dispatch sparcl 6 1 A simple SPARQL query tester spelling-corrector 5 3 Lambda Jam spelling corrector implementation bench-proto 4 0 clojure-life 2 0 Clojure impl of Conway's Life fnparse 2 1 A library for creating functional parsers in Clojure. slow-user-load 2 0 wcc 2 0 wc in Clojure example async248test 1 0 clj-2701 1 0 clj-intro 1 1 cljserial 1 0 bb script to help report all the clj class serialvers clojure-ant-bot 1 0 Clojure Cljub - Google AI Challenge - Ant bot deps 1 0 hello 1 1 Clojure hello world uberjar lamina 1 0 event-driven workflows for clojure vendingmachine-clojure 1 0 Clojure implementation of Lambda Lounge vending machine specificationGroovy gpars-examples 4 0 Groovy GPars examples from talk March 2010HTML design-wiki 1 0 Java clojure-from-java 46 2 Example of creating a Java interface backed by Clojure zippers 8 2 Code for tree/zippers article clojure-maven-plugin 1 1 Apache Maven Mojo for compiling clojure scripts to class files mvn-dir-resolution 1 0 Repro of a maven bug in 3.8.2