Forrest Passionate about innovation, technology, and learning. 26 18 281 86 45 No Language exploit-database 1 0 The official Exploit Database repository free-programming-books 1 0 :books: Freely available programming books MGWUMinigameTemplate-Spritebuilder 1 0 UABE 1 0 Unity Assets Bundle Extractor C idevicerestore 2 0 Restores firmware and filesystem to iPhone/iPod Touch xpwn 2 1 A cross-platform custom NOR firmware loader and custom IPSW generator for the iPhone frash 1 1 NOTE: Someone apparently made a .deb of frash. I don't necessarily have objections to a binary package, but everyone should realize that it's alpha quality at best, and please, please post it on a repository instead of posting a .deb everyone will share that will be obsolete in a few hours when I make a one-line fix that vastly improves compatibility by annulling some stupidity on my part. ;p genpass 1 1 Generates vfdecrypt key for iPhoneOS 3.0 filesystem, been updated to handle the latest firmware updates. jboot 1 1 An open source replacement for Apple's iBoot spirit 1 1 spirit-linux 1 1 Linux port of the "Spirit" jailbreak using libimobiledevice C# Alpine 1 1 C# library for communicating with the iBoot & iBSS via libusb using the LibUSBDotNET api. ILSpy 1 0 .NET Decompiler MSCModLoader 1 0 ModLoader for My Summer Car MSC_Playground 1 5 Haverdaden's mods as open-source. Feel free to update and use as an educational resource. ScpToolkit 1 0 Windows Driver and XInput Wrapper for Sony DualShock 3/4 Controllers Objective-C mdhelper 6 8 List and recover data from iPhone and iPod touch backup files iTerm2 1 0 iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things. WebArchiveExtractor 1 0 Mac OS X utility to un-archive .webarchive files (like when saving from Safari) Pascal cheat-engine-custom 2 1 Cheat Engine is an open source memory scanner, debugger Originally created by Eric Heijnen who also goes by the name DarkByte. Python iphonessh 53 21 iPhone using SSH only works using wireless, this method does not use wireless, this method used a tcprelay through your USB by using a port and or localhost in order to connect to an existing OpenSSH on your iPhone or Ipod touch. This does require a jailbroken iPhone. I am not the creator of this program, but I see its no longer being maintained. I figured I would introduce it to the github community and see if we can get some ideas brewing on it. udemy-dl 1 0 Download videos from udemy for personal offline use Ruby homebrew 1 0 The missing package manager for OS X. Shell scripts 3 3 These will be a place I will store some misc scripts I write up save them here for my own use