Benjamin Ryan 52 30 123 122 23 No Language BorderlessMining 1 0 A windowed borderless (fullscreen) mod for 1.15.2 and newer versions of Minecraft http.zig 1 0 An HTTP/1.1 server for zigC obs-replay-folders 10 5 Saves replay buffer files to game-specific folders (like ShadowPlay).CSS css 1 0 Small CSS framework based on VercelGo r6-dissect 75 13 Match Replay API/CLI for Rainbow Six: Siege's Dissect (.rec) format. star-citizen-rich-presence 3 1 Enhance your Discord profile with your Star Citizen status.Java GhostScavengerHunt 4 3 :ghost: A Halloween scavenger hunt plugin based off of a popular network! ODEN 3 0 Prototype of a Minecraft anti-cheat utilizing Random Forest machine learning. Aperture 2 0 A plugin utilizing an exploit in Minecraft 1.8 to check for illegal Minecraft versions. Arcadia 2 0 :earth_americas: a high quality server network made in my spare time SurviveTheNight 2 0 🌘 A Halloween minigame from The HiveMC Network. CustomArrowTrails 1 0 🎇 The one and only premium Arrow Trail customization plugin on Spigot.JavaScript NotUno 1 0 It's (Not)Uno on the cli :DMDX r6-dissect-docs 1 0 Online documentation for r6-dissectTypeScript bun-migrate 4 0 A simple SQLite file-based migration system for Bun. bun-kv 3 0 A simple KV store using Bun's SQLite module. clips 3 0 Self-hosted video game clips website using Bun & bun:sqlite. r6-dissect-bun 2 1 Bun API for Rainbow Six: Siege's Dissect (.rec) format. bun-docker 1 0 TypeScript Docker API for Bun using unix sockets. bun-http-framework-benchmark 1 0 Compare throughput benchmark from various Bun HTTP framework replay-analyzer 1 0 A GUI for extracing analytics from an R6 replay file.