Sam Messina sam@smessina.comThe scope must creep 36 7 47 14 3 HTML portfolio-redesign 1 0 :house: My portfolio! A place to showcase some stuff I've worked on.Java Q-Programming-Language 0 1 :page_facing_up: A programming language to allow simple queue manipulation Web-Browser 0 1 :computer: Java Web Browser with VPN-like functionality added through RMIJavaScript gitflow 2 0 :octocat: Interactive git cheat sheet Nabbar-Nav 1 0 :hamburger: A nav bar component for React apps, using CSS grid PracticeBuddy 1 0 :musical_score: A web app to teach musical chords, modes, and songsPHP Woody-At-Random 1 0 :eyeglasses: A Woody Allen recommendation website using a LAMP stackPython passman 5 1 :closed_lock_with_key: A terminal-based password managerShell Leetcode-Practice 1 0 a small wrapper for the leetcode-cli toolVim script .files 2 0 🐧 Config files