Roman Garnett 124 0 23 220 112 Awk dbpedia_graph_extractor 4 1 A simple tool to extract labeled graphs (corresponding to desired types) from DBpedia.Matlab active_learning 46 23 Active learning toolbox for MATLAB gpml_extensions 31 19 Provides various extensions to the GPML toolbox for Gaussian process inference in MATLAB. active_gp_hyperlearning 15 4 Active learning of GP hyperparameters following Garnett, et al., "Active Learning of Linear Embeddings for Gaussian Processes," (UAI 2014). fast_wl 11 5 A fast MATLAB implementation of the Weisfeiler--Lehman graph transformation and associated kernel. mgp 7 4 An implementation of the MGP from Garnett, et al., "Active Learning of Linear Embeddings for Gaussian Processes," UAI 2014. active_virtual_screening 3 2 MATLAB code to replicate experiments from coinciding_walk_kernel 3 3 An implementation of the coinciding walk kernel (CWK) from Neumann, et al. "Coinciding Walk Kernels." ACML 2013. active_search 2 1 MATLAB code for performing active search (Garnett, et al., "Bayesian Optimal Active Search and Surveying," ICML 2012). propagation_kernels 2 9 dlas 1 0 plotting 1 0 plotting toolsPython gp_dla_detection 3 5 Detecting Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers (DLAs) with Gaussian ProcessesRuby homebrew-science 1 1 :microscope: Scientific formulae for the Homebrew package managerShell data 2 1 scripts for processing datasets used in my papersTeX cse515t 88 34 Materials for Bayesian Methods in Machine Learning Course